How to Think Like a Knowledge Worker by William P. Sheridan - HTML preview

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What to Particularize?

To particularize is to describe in terms of specific attributes.  Particularizing is a form of itemizing, which means it applies to single instances instead of populations, and consists of specifying the details within a narrow range.  It therefore resembles methodological individualism, the looking at single cases to get a deep, if narrow view.  It is based on the presumption that, at least for some considerations, focusing on the attributes that make entities different will reveal something unique.

Why to Particularize?

The finer-grained you want the description or analysis, the longer it will take to produce the results.  If you have the time, and the wherewithal to sustain the study, then looking at the details is possible, perhaps even insightful.  When looking at the details however, the context should be kept in mind - this is the reason for looking deeper.  Kant says "Reason is the power of understanding the connection between the general and the particular."

When to Particularize?

When you are sure that something is being lost in the big picture, it is time to begin focusing in on the particulars.  At one extreme the danger is that there will be no patience to look at the details even if good practice demands it – this is just epistemological vanity.  At the other extreme is the tendency to become a perpetual fact-gatherer, an information junkie – this is just a contemporary version of the pack-rat complex – don’t!

Whether to Particularize?

Decisions or choices should be based on the context within which the alternatives are situated.  When is there enough details to set the pattern (or upset it)?  Rules (algorithms) don’t apply, but rules-of-thumb (heuristics) do – its judgement again, not of a moral kind but simply an assessment of what “type” of situation you are in.  Performance will improve with the number of attempts (if it is ever going to improve), so keep trying.

How to Particularize?

Look for “la difference” – what distinguishes otherwise similar instances.  Even in this regard, the extent of variability will not be endless but fractal – certain thematic patterns will emerge that combine generalization and particularization.  When that happens you can focus on either diverging or converging forms.  If you particularize the possibility exists to get lost in the growing details that greater depth reveals- set cut-off criteria.

