Humanity Fundamental Teachings by Joachim M Werdin - HTML preview

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The mind is a device created by IAM. Be aware that this device is not limited by dimension, space, time or matter. In other words, the mind is an immaterial device which does not exist in space or time, it exists only in IAM. Space and time are created in the mind.

The mind is a device created by IAM for one purpose, to create Life. The mind designs and runs the game titled “Life”, or I can say, Life is run in the mind – more about this later.

By the way, do not misunderstand, I am talking about the mind, not about the brain which is a material device, part of the body, a different thing.

The mind consists of three parts: instinct, intellect and intuition. Every part serves specific functions in creating and running the game titled “Life”. While reading my explanations about instinct, intellect and intuition, look at the next picture.


Instinct can be compared to an operating system of a machine, for example a computer. As you probably know, an operating system is the most basic software running a computer, a phone, etc. Without the operating system, such a machine is just a dead piece of hardware.

Instinct runs the body, be it the body of human, animal, plant or any other material or immaterial being. This implies that instinct consists of programs and data which can be stored in memory. Whenever you need to remember something, your intellect accesses the memory of your instinct. This memory storage is also immaterial, as the entire mind is.

A program is a self-functioning mechanism which is working exactly the way it was designed (written) to. The program does not think, it has no emotions and does not do things which it was not programmed to do.

Also, keep in mind that instinct does not think.

Do you remember when you died last time? What I mean is not that you died, it was the previous body you were using, which stopped working for whatever reason it was.

If you remember what happened, then you can recall that after your body stopped working, you discarded it. Although your body was left dead, you did not lose any memory, you still remembered. Even now you can retrieve memory from time when you were using previous bodies, this is so-called past life memory. Well, maybe you would need first to exercise this ability if you do not recall immediately.

Memory is stored in instinct, not in brain, that is why you can keep your memory as long as you use your mind. Once you switch off your mind, or destroy it, all its memory is lost.

Instinct runs the body, which implies that all the feelings and emotions are in the instinct. Indeed, what man calls feelings and emotions, are just programs run in their instinct.

In fact, instinct run trillions of programs. Every atom building the body is also operated by instinct, thus is every cell, thus is every organ. All the body senses are input devices operated by programs.

Have you noticed how much of your behavior is automatic? In fact, if you do some research, you might be surprised that almost entire body behavior, including what you say and even a lot of you think, are results of programs running in your instinct.

Having observed people for a long time, I can conclude that some people behave almost like machines. I have noticed that the more people use electronic devices (especially mobile phones), the weaker their mind abilities become. Their behavior becomes more and more similar to machine reactions, even when they are thinking.

I just said that feeling and emotions are also results of programs running in instinct. As strange as it may sound, but the fact is that when you love or hate somebody or something, it is not you, it is programs running in your instinct and producing that love or hate reactions.

Happiness, sadness, fear, courage, liking, anxiety, loneliness … you can mention more – all of these are reactions of programs running in instinct. Besides that, we have hunger, thirst, pain, pulse, body temperature and all the other physiological functions of body – all of that are programs running in instinct.

Instinct is programmable, in other words, programs can be inserted in instinct, deleted from it or modified. This programming can be done in variety of ways. You can do it consciously by using instinct programming techniques. However, most of time instinct is programmed by external influence, for example: place, color, sound, talk and behavior of other people. Remember this very important information – you can consciously program your instinct and thus change your life.

Your parents gave you the most basic programming of your instinct. Later, while you were being educated by your family members, kindergarten, schools, etc., all of them programmed most of your behavior. Presently, people with whom you live, work, play, etc. have the biggest impact on your instinct. You can add to this list mass media, films, events and other emotional factors – they may have the biggest impact on your instinct now.

There is a lot to learn about instinct, it is a vast topic. Studying psychology, sociology and computer programming allows you to understand instinct better. Many books were and will be written about instinct.

Nevertheless, for now I suggest that you remember this.

Instinct consists of data and programs. Instinct does not think, it just runs programs and keeps memory. Instinct knows nothing.


I compared instinct to the operating system of a computer. To process data, the computer must also have a processor, which is sometimes called computer’s brain. Intellect can be compared to the processor in a computer.

Intellect is the part of mind which does all the thinking which means data processing. Thinking includes processing thoughts and images, and also data coming from senses.

Remember, intellect does not have any memory or knowledge, this means that intellect first retrieves data from memory or receives it from senses, then it can process it, that is to think.

Intellect is the part of mind which people are most aware of, in other words, I can say that man lives mainly in their intellect. Look at your life, look at the world – what do you see? All the human creation, be it art, science or technology, all of that first was processed by intellect before it was realized in matter.

Intellect works approximately in this way – first it retrieves data from memory or from senses, or it creates a question. Next it contrives, calculates, analyses, tries, imagines, projects, solves etc., until, finally, it creates an answer or solution. This answer can contain the next question.

The thing which passes, from the having a question until giving the answer, is called time. Time exists only in intellect. Normally, intellect cannot function without time. Intellect has been creating time so that it can function. There is no time beyond intellect, therefore it can be said that time is an illusion created in intellect. The same is with space.

Intellect is a part of the mind, a tool used for conscious programming of instinct, for finding solutions and for creating. Your daily life is created in your intellect first. Your decisions are created there. You bring problems into life and get rid of them also in intellect. Using intellect, you may or may not think logically, communicate with beings, explore, learn, search, solve tasks and answer questions.

If you were not using intellect, you would behave as a thoughtless animal. Your body would not behave according to the decisions of your intellect, it would only follow programs of the instinct. This is what sometimes happens to man, especially to those with weakly developed intellect. Their body is more ruled by instinct than by intellect. You have probably have seen such people.

Man’s intellect is a very useful tool. Without using intellect, people would still be living like animals in nature. Their technology would consist of the level of their muscle strength and the speed of their movement.

However, using intellect can make man suffering. Some examples include using intellectual abilities to destroy nature and making tools to kill people. Some people use their intellect to manipulate others in order to enslave and reign over them. When instinct takes control over the body, later, such man often regrets what they said or did.

Intellect has another name – “free will”. It means that at any time when man uses intellect, they can choose. Those beings who do not have or use intellect, cannot choose freely, they have no free will, they will act according to program outputs from their instinct.

Man can unknowingly use false information to create beliefs in their own life. Such man creates problems and thereby unconsciously programs instinct, which brings sufferings caused by their own unaware thinking. If you do not wish to suffer, do not blindly believe all information.

Things that are written, spoken and seen are only information; it can be true or false. If you believe without thinking, you are asking for suffering.

Take advantages of your intellect that you control. It must serve you because it is your tool. It has to serve you in solving problems, so that you will understand and learn efficiently. Intellect has to serve you in making efficient visualizations, so that you can modify programs of your instinct for your own benefit. Make intellect obey you.

Sometimes you need to switch intellect off. Thanks to this ability, you can, for example, fall asleep at will, cut off attention from stimuli of the environment, do mind exercises more efficiently. When you sufficiently control intellect, you can become aware of messages from intuition or use an almost perfect method of communication which is telepathy.

Please, remember – intellect has no memory and no knowledge, it only thinks, that is operates data.


Once again, let me compare a computer to the mind. In this comparison, as you remember, instinct is the operating system, and intellect is the processor. The third part of the mind, intuition, can be compared to man operating this computer.

Intuition is the part of the mind which contains all the knowledge, therefore I can say, intuition also contains all the truth. Intuition does not think and does not act, it only knows.

Intuition knows everything without any question, thinking, creating or searching. There is no question in the intuition. Even if a question appeared, at the same moment the answer would be there too. Actually, there is no such a thing as a ‘moment’ in intuition. Time, space and bi- polar world do not exist in intuition. They are creations of intellect, which were built into instinct as continuously running programs.

Intuition, which is a part of the mind, is also your tool, a powerful one. When you can fully use intuition, you do not need to look for information through intellect. Consequently, schools become redundant, nothing can be hidden from you. You merely need to turn your attention to anyone or anything, if you decide to know everything about them immediately. I could say that you learn so quickly that there is no chance for a question to be formed. If you used intuition to know, this book would be useless for you. In less than one second, you would know everything written here. In fact, you would know much more.

Man uses intuition when they want to know something immediately. Things that are not available for the intellect or would require too much time and energy for thinking, can be made clear by using intuition.

On the other hand, using intuition makes man to see life less interesting. What is the fun of knowing everything about a topic or about someone, just at your wish? What fun Life would give you if you knew all the past and future? Then, there is no secret for you, there is nothing to discover or research.

Have you heard the term “enlightenment”? I bet you did. What is that? Simple explanation – intellect can access any information from intuition at will. I will explain about enlightenment later.

Now, let me summarize the three parts of the mind.