Humanity Fundamental Teachings by Joachim M Werdin - HTML preview

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Some beings living on Earth, normally are invisible and insensible for man. Their sphere of Life is called spirit. ‘Vision’ is their main feature.

Do you think that there are more spheres of Life? Indeed, there are, although people do not perceive them. In fact, Life can be expanded to infinity, so there is no limit in number of spheres of Life.

The picture presents what other people call evolution. You probably have noticed that the more expanded a sphere of Life is, the more developed or sophisticated beings it represents. Obviously, man is more developed, evolved, sophisticated life form than the animal is. The animal is more developed than the plant. The mineral is the most basic life form on Earth.

The sphere of mineral emerges directly from The Consciousness. Indeed, when we move from an atom to smaller and smaller subatomic particles, tinnier basic building blocks of matter, we reach something which is not considered matter. Scientists give this thing different names, for example: ether, qì, vril, orgon, quantum field, information field. It is the beginning point where the mind builds energy and then matter.

The mind is in IAM which emerges from The Consciousness; that is why it looks as if mineral were emerging from The Consciousness on the picture, but in fact it emerges from the mind. You remember that it is the mind which creates all of the matter.

The characteristic features that beings of smaller spheres of Life have, are also included in beings of larger spheres. Obviously, the tree is a being much more developed than the rock; then, the dog is a being much more sophisticated than the tree; but man is the most advanced of these. This can be clearly seen that the rock only exists, it does not grow, move or think. The tree, beside existing, also grows. The dog exists, grows and reacts emotionally. Man manifests all of these, plus, man also thinks.

How about the sphere of spirit? Logically analyzing, we would state that highly developed spiritual (immaterial) beings exist, grow, react emotionally, think and … have visions, or use visions, or are visionary. What is that ability? To make a long story short, these beings can use intuition comparatively as easy as people use intellect. This implies that they do not need to think so much. I hope that you remember, that intuition is a part of the mind, which contains all the knowledge. When your intellect can accesses intuition, you know whatever you turn your attention to, without asking any question.

I would like you to pay attention to one more thing in this picture. Look, the further a being moves from The Consciousness (the center of the spheres), the more developed it becomes and the more energetic, this means more alive. For example, people and animals are more alive than plants and water. On the other hand, the more alive are beings, the further they are from The Consciousness, that is from the pre-origin of Life.

There are two directions presented on the picture; one can be called expansion or development, the other can be called contraction or regression. This other direction represents movement from the infinity to the center point which is The Consciousness. This direction sometimes is expressed by other sayings, for example: “going back to the origin”, “going back home”, “returning to the source” or “unifying with the creation” or even “unification with God”.

Many people look for when they call ‘self-growth’, ‘spiritual development’, ‘expansion of consciousness’, etc. They may say that they follow a path to ‘self-realization’, ‘enlightenment’, ‘salvation’, etc., therefore they look for the most efficient ways to realize that.

If that is also your desire, then I suggest, find your answer by analyzing the above picture. You might come to a conclusion about which direction is the one to follow if you want to realize your goal.

It is not the direction of expanding a sphere of Life or evolving to become more sophisticated being. In fact, it is the opposite direction that you need to follow, inwards, to the center.

Practically, what does that mean? Well, that clearly indicates what to do if you want to “go back to the origin”, “go back home”, “return to the source”, “unite with the creation”, etc.

You need to move from spheres of man to animal and then to plant and mineral.

What people who follow a path to self-realization, enlightenment, etc. do? They do what I call ‘mind exercises’. There is another popular term widely used – “meditation”; so we can say that those people meditate.

Nevertheless the definition of “mediation”, what people usually do when they meditate is sitting in silence. They also relax and go deeper within themselves. Their breathing and pulse automatically slow down. Some masters of such kind of techniques can slow their body processes to appear as dead.

To make a long description short, mind exercises (meditation) move you from the sphere ‘man’ to ‘animal’ or even ‘plant’. Some masters of meditation can go even to ‘mineral’.

When you look at the picture, you see sharp borders between the spheres of Life. In reality, there is no sharp border or a jump from one type of being to another. The expansion of spheres of Life is more like linear flow. When you research the beings on Earth, you can notice that some of them appear to belong to two spheres of Life, as if they were at the border. For example, there are beings which share features of plant and animal worlds.