Humanity Fundamental Teachings by Joachim M Werdin - HTML preview

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In any field of your life, if you stay between 38 and 62 percent of your capacity, you shall achieve the best results. These results will remain with you much longer than results achieved by pushing to extremes.


There are some principles that rule life of all beings in this universe. One of them is the Universal Principle of Change (UPC). Whether it is an atom, plant, man or spirit, all of them are subjects to this rule.

In general, beings of less expanded sphere of Life are used for creating or sustaining life of beings of more expanded sphere of Life. In order to be used, beings may be killed, consumed, destroyed or disassociated by other beings.

The UPC rules from the smallest particles of matter to the entire universe. This principle causes continues transformation of one type of matter to another.

The picture of a snake eating its own tail is one of examples describing UPC. Look at the next picture, where you can see a being composed of a sun and a black hole. That picture illustrates UPC in the cosmic scale.

When you look at the sky, you can see the Sun. At night you can see many suns, they are called stars. Let me talk about our Sun. The Sun is an electric body, like a huge spark or a ball lighting. For very long time, the Sun has been emanating energy which sustains lives of enormous number of beings in our solar system. If the Sun would extinguish, all that life of so many beings would end.