Humanity Fundamental Teachings by Joachim M Werdin - HTML preview

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Food chain is a perfect example of UPC because it explains well how beings of a less expanded sphere of Life are used to support beings of a more expanded sphere of Life.

Before I explain the next picture, I would like you to be aware that every being has two significant parts. One part is used to nourish the being, it draws in food and energy, this is why it is like the black hole illustrated on the previous picture. The other part does the opposite, it excretes matter or emanates energy, this is why it is like the sun illustrated on the previous picture.

Every being has these two parts, black hole and sun. Every being acts as both, a black hole sucking in, destroying, killing other bodies, and as a sun, emanating life energy for others to consume.

Notice that the body of every being is an energetic structure, so it emanates so-called energy, usually in form of warmth or light.

For clarity of the following picture, I did not draw the black hole and the sun present in every being. I hope that you can imagine something like the ‘sun+black-hole’ structure on the previous picture, present in every being. Of course, the mouth is the black hole in case of people and animals.

Now, look at the next picture, while reading this explanation. Subatomic particles are used to build atoms. Atoms are used to build molecules. Molecules are used to build plants. Plants are used to build animal bodies. Animals are used to build human bodies. Humans nourish … spirits, because they eat man’s life energy.

What? Did not you know that spirits consume man’s life energy? They do because they also need food. Hence spirits are bodies of invisible beings, they will not eat the flesh, therefore they need life energy emanating from man.

The arrows on the picture show general relation of the nourishing flow. For clarity, I did not draw more arrows on the picture, but you know that the more developed beings can use all the beings pictured below them, to built their own bodies, to sustain their own life. For example, man consumes animals, plants, molecules (water, minerals, vitamins, etc.), atoms (oxygen, nitrogen, etc.) and energy in form of light and warmth.

Be aware that in order to provide the building material for the more developed beings, the life of the less developed beings have to be taken. In other words, the less developed beings are destroyed, killed somehow, so that the bodies of the more developed beings can be build.

For example, two atoms of hydrogen (H H) and one atom of oxygen (O) are living beings. In order to build a molecule of water (HOH), these atoms must be severely hurt, killed, destroyed, so that they become ions (H+ H+ O=). Ions are not atoms, but they can be called building material left after atoms were destroyed. Now, when these ions are put together, they create a new body (HOH). The birth of water happens after death of the ions.

Another example, a rabbit eats grass, carrots, etc. These plants are destroyed with rabbit’s teeth, then the digestion system of the animal can further decompose the bodies of the plants in order to built the rabbit’s body.

How do the invisible beings, which I call here ‘spirits’, eat man’s life energy? This is a large topic, there is a lot to talk about it, a thick book could be written. Let me explain it shortly.

The spirits, like all the other beings, are subject to UPC, so they have to consume. Like other beings, if spirits do not consume for too long time, they die – this is a general principle.

Spirits consume immaterial things. Of course, it is immaterial for people, for them it is material food. Spirits consume what we can call ‘life energy’ of other beings. Let’s talk about this later.


Whatever your emotional reaction will be, I prefer that you be aware of this fact, so let me tell you some truth.

Whether you accept it or not, whether you agree or not, during your entire life you continuously kill and you give birth, like any other being in Life does. Every time you breathe in, drink or eat something, you take life of beings.

On the other hand, when you breathe out or when your body excrete anything, or when you become emotional, you provide food to other beings. You can conclude how that happens, from previous explanations.

You are subject to the Universal Principle of Change, like any other being in this universe is. Your body cannot exist in this universe without killing and giving birth continuously. By killing and giving birth, you contribute to the movement sustaining life of this universe. Even if you wanted to, you cannot escape UPC.

Many people follow a specific diet because they do not want to kill; for example, they eat only food originated from plants. According to what some of them believe, killing animals is bad but killing plants and minerals is all right. Why? People have different explanations.

Regardless of the belief and explanations of those who follow a plant diet, it is man’s judgment and feelings which make people choose. What may be important to understand is that the act of eating is directly related to killing, destroying life of other beings.

In order to be more aware of judgments, it may be worth to ask questions like the following.

What and who are you to judge and decide which beings can be killed for you to eat and which must live?

Who or what made you believe that life of animals is more important than life of plants or minerals?

Besides your judgment based on your belief and resulting feelings, is there anything else that makes you to choose some life over other one?

Whatever your belief and the resulting diet is, I suggest that you meditate on these three questions. Additionally, you may look at nature which has no belief. Nature, the truest teacher on Earth, has no mercy. Nature teaches us perfectly about UPC.