Humanity Fundamental Teachings by Joachim M Werdin - HTML preview

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According to the Universal Principle of Change, the emanations of man is food for other beings. Beside excreting physical matter, man radiates variety of invisible and insensible immaterial emanations, which include warmth and electric and magnetic waves. These emanations can be seen in man’s aura.

Let me call all of these emanations ‘energy’. This term is not what physics defines as energy, but for the sake of simplicity here, I chose it to be used as meaning for all invisible, insensible emanations of the body of man, animal, plant and mineral.

According to UPC, energy emanated by man, animal, plant or mineral can become food for spirits. Man’s energy becomes especially attractive to spirits when man is under influence of emotions. However, not every spirit would like to eat every type of energy emanated by man. Some spirits like energy which is associated with joy, love, bliss, etc. Other spirits prefer energy emanated from man under influence of fear, hatred, anger, etc.

Your imagination controls energy, this means that the type and amount of body emanations can be controlled by you. This fact may be of utmost importance to you. Depending on what you imagine, your body may be charged with or lose life energy. Look at the two following pictures where you see man emanating his life energy, losing it and feeding spirits.

Picture “spirits feed on life energy emanated by man” explains what happens when man prays to and reverences other beings. By worshiping a god, angel, master, extraterrestrial or other beings, the follower of a faith loses their life energy. The praying man is not aware that this kind of a practice feeds invisible beings with man’s life energy. As a result, the follower deplete their own life energy. Less life energy means weaker man and shorter lifespan of their body.

Most people feel better after praying. Some people have so strong faith, that they are able to heal themselves or others with such kind of practice. Those people would not agree with my explanation; they rather would teach that man must have strong faith and pray more.

However, when they learn more facts about invisible beings, especially when they successfully learn to see spirits, they may be shocked. How unimaginable intelligent spirits can be, how experienced they are in their trickery to make man willingly give them their own life energy.

Indeed, many invisible beings know man’s instinct very well, as if they ware psychology masters. It is very easy for them to cheat man into believing something. Those spirits will use emotions and visions to make people blindly believe. When people blindly believe, they are lost because they become unaware sheep of a herd utilized by the spirit. This is how the herd master and sheep relationship develops. Then, those people are ready to fight to death to defend their faith. Of course, they will do everything possible in order to bring others to their faith organization.

I suggest, do not try to save those people, let them play Life like that. They do nothing wrong or bad, they are happy with their choice. They may need such kind of experience in this life; so do not disturb them.

People who participate in so-called “group meditation” or “global meditation” also may lose life energy. Especially when they imagine that they send something from their body; for example, send energy into the universe, send love to a master, send healing to someone.