Humanity Fundamental Teachings by Joachim M Werdin - HTML preview

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Especially dangerous practice is to deal with so-called “angels”. When you deal with angels for whatever purpose it is, you might already be in their food menu.

There are so many web sites, centers, teachers promoting cooperation with angels. Usually, those people are unaware tools manipulated by angels. Angels use those people to gather more followers, so that angels can have bigger and more tasty feasts.

Be aware that majority of angels are in fact spirit-vampires. They are very intelligent, so they can easily cheat you. They will make you see beautiful light, feel love, they can even heal you. However, remember, once they got you, your body’s life energy will be sucked until your death. If you later try to get rid of them, it may be very difficult and may make you suffer a lot.

Besides gods and angels, there are varieties of other invisible beings who like to consume human life energy. As I already said it twice, be warned, invisible beings can be intelligent and tricky much beyond your imagination. They can present themselves to you in tricky images or stories that you immediately believe them.

A popular method used by a spirit to gather a large herd is to create a story about extraterrestrials who came to guide people or even safe Earth. Look on the Internet – you will find many websites promoting such ideas. Group or world meditations, prayers, etc. are promoted on that web sites. I have seen many people brainwashed and lost in this kind of movements; for example “lightworkers” who believe that they have a mission on Earth.

The picture “spirits feed on life energy emanated by angry man” presents a different situation. What you see on this picture is what happens when man becomes angry, frightened or agitated emotionally with what most people feel as negative or bad feelings.