Humanity Fundamental Teachings by Joachim M Werdin - HTML preview

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An angry man is usually very emotionally agitated. Emotion is an explosion of life energy, therefore the aura of the emotional man looks like a fire. This kind of energy emanated by the body is very attractive to some invisible beings who are called vampires.

Yes, vampires really exist in the flesh and in spirit. Those existing as spirits cannot suck blood but they can and they do suck life energy. Remember, whenever you are angry, frightened, feel hatred, etc. your life energy is evaporating away and vampires have feast.

Do you know where you can find many vampires feeding on energy emanated from humans? They are attracted to places where many people fight, shout, quarrel or are otherwise emotionally excited. Good examples of such places are mass gatherings for political hate speech, protestations, sport competitions or battle grounds. Theaters, cinemas, stadiums, television shows, group computer games, etc. where people gather to watch scenes of violence also attract vampires. Places where many people suffer, for example large hospitals, are usually attractive for vampires.

On the other side, religious gatherings, group prayers, global or mass meditations, etc. attract so-called gods, deities, angels or whatever you call those different types of spirits. They come, of course, to suck life energy of the large groups of people.


Many people told me that they do not agree to feed any spirits, regardless of whether they are gods, angels or vampires. Those people do not agree to lose their precious life energy; on the contrary, they want to increase their own life energy to extend their lifespan.

Next time, when you become angry, start to quarrel or get yourself into an emotional event, you can stop for a while. Then, take a deep relaxing breath and ask yourself, whether you really agree to lose your life energy and feed vampires. If you like that energy exchange, go ahead. If you do not like to be sucked, here is a technique to get rid of vampires.

To protect yourself against being sucked by spirits:

  • Stay aware of your emotions so that they do not take control over your behavior. This relates to any emotions, so-called positive and negative ones.
  • Stay focused on yourself because energy follows your imagination. What you focus on, it grows or amplifies. In other words, you power the things that you focus on, you send them life energy.
  • Do not pray, bow, reverence, etc. to any being or thing. That is an act of voluntary subordination in which you unconsciously send them your life energy. This is how you become their subject or slave.
  • Remember the simple fact that you are the Master of your life.
  • Use you imagination power to visualize yourself inside of an egg-like shaped sun, something like what you see on the following picture. The shell of the sun-egg structure is impenetrable for spirits if your egg is full of sun-like or fire-like emanations.

This type of protection is also efficient if there is a spirit already attached to man’s body. According to my observation, majority of people, especially those living in big cities, have at least one spirit attached to their body. They are not aware that such spirits can control the behavior of their victims.

If you do mind exercises, so-called meditation, and you notice that there are thoughts not created by you, or there are voices in your head, there might be a spirit attached to your body.

Almost all people of strong religious faith, so-called called ‘fanatics’, are controlled by invisible beings. The stronger these people believe, the easier it is for an attached spirit to control their behavior.

That is why the fanatics intensely preach to convince other people to become members of their faith. The attached spirit controls fanatics in order to bring more ‘food giving sheep’ into the spirit’s herd.

Warning. As I told you before, do not even try to teach a fanatic, do not convince them because if you do, they may become very angry. Their strong blindness make them ready to fight to death or even kill. To be safe, better go away from the fanatics, so that you do not pour more ‘oil into their fire’, unless you like to participate in a risky play.


You are the Master Creator of your life, therefore, you can decide whatever you choose to. You can enjoy joy, happiness and Love, or you can enjoy anger, hatred and fear. None of these are bad or good. They are your choices, conscious or not, to experience your game of Life.

I have noticed that most people do not like so-called bad emotional states, for example, to be under the influence of anger, hatred or fright. Angry people, after they cool down, regret their behavior and feel exhausted. If they knew how to avoid negative emotional explosions, they would have suffered less.

Have a look at this simple technique to switch between emotional states, in the following picture. Whenever you feel anxiety, anger, hatred, sadness, etc., you can switch to feeling Love, within seconds. In other words, when you are in so-called negative emotional state, you can switch to so-called positive emotional state where you experience joy and Love. You may need to sufficiently practice this technique first.