Humanity Fundamental Teachings by Joachim M Werdin - HTML preview

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I acknowledge that until now I was philosophizing, because how am I to explain the inexplicable The Consciousness? Anyway, from now on, I am going to be more precise, more scientific and more based on physics.

In order to realize that, first I need to define something concrete, a plausible thing that we can understand and deal with. So, where are we going to take that thing from? What would be the simplest thing to start with?

The Consciousness is not plausible, so we need to create something that we can deal with. We need to do the first concrete step. In other words, there is a need to create the most basic unit. Having such an unit, we can deal with it as we do with a concrete thing.

This situation could be compared to the XYZ axis. If we stay only at its 0 (zero), what can we do beside philosophizing? In order to do something more useful, we need an unit.

For this purpose we create 1 (one), the most basic unit, and we mark it on the X, Y, Z axis. Having 1, we can do all sorts of operations with it; for example, to produce unlimited array of numbers by mathematical operations. All of these operations will be logical and understandable by the intellect; there will be no need to philosophize.

In fact, the XYZ axis was only a comparison for easier understanding. I did not want to get stuck at The Consciousness and philosophize any longer; that is why I created something concrete in order to step out and continue the story.

In fact, I do not need to create anything because the basic unit always has been there. What I needed to do is to give it a name. I have given it the name IAM (capital I, capital A, capital M written together, to clearly distinguish it from ‘I am’).

IAM is the primary thing which emerges from The Consciousness. IAM is the source or the basic unit upon which everything else is built. Having emerged from The Consciousness, IAM becomes the origin of Life.

However, I need to emphasize it, IAM is an illusory or imaginary piece of The Consciousness. How? Let me make another comparison.

Let us once again consider the limitless and timeless ocean example described above. Logically thinking, this limitless ocean consists of infinite number of droplets. In you imagination, when you look at this ocean, you do not see the individual droplets, of which some can be as small as a simple H2O molecule, but you know that they are in the ocean water.

In this ocean example, IAM is compared to a droplet. The ocean is The Consciousness and a droplet is IAM. Be aware that although we talk about shapes and amounts to make the imagination easier, in fact The Consciousness and thus IAM are not bound by space or time. Later you will learn that space and time are created in the mind.

To make understanding easier, I compare The Consciousness to a limitless ocean, and IAM to one of ocean droplets. Once again, I emphasize, please do not think in terms of dimension, universe, space, size or time because The Consciousness is not bound by anything, thus IAM is not to.

To continue, imagine that you ask one of these droplets: “What are you?” The droplet can give you one of these answers:

  1. I am the ocean.
  2. I am an individual droplet.

Both answers are right but they emphasize a point of view, a choice made by the droplet.

The ocean and droplet serve as a comparison, in fact we are dealing with The Consciousness and IAM. The question is directed to IAM, therefore the answers would be:

  1. I am The Consciousness.
  2. I am IAM, a separated individual.

IAM is one with The Consciousness similarly as a droplet is one with the ocean. IAM exists within The Consciousness similarly as a droplet exists within the ocean.

IAM and The Consciousness are the same thing, but they are seen differently, considered differently and perceived differently by the intellect.

IAM is an imaginary piece of The Consciousness. IAM would not exist without The Consciousness and The Consciousness would not exists without IAM. In the same manner you can imagine that a droplet would not exist without the ocean and the ocean would not exist without droplets which constitute it. Can you imagine all of that without paying attention to space and size?

Although we say that IAM is one with The Consciousness, IAM may imagine that it is not The Consciousness. IAM can create an illusion that it is a separated individual entity.

This is where all the fun, called Life, begins. IAM can be considered something real, something which emerged from The Consciousness and becomes separated entity. The Consciousness can be considered something unreal, unimaginable and impossible to understand.

Why do I insist that you understand IAM? I do because I want you to be aware that IAM is the essence of every being. IAM is the creator of everything that comprises any being and its life.