If You Truly Loved Christ... by Lord SG Vanwells - HTML preview

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When he saw her, he tore his clothes in anguish. “Oh, my daughter!” he cried out. “You have completely destroyed me! You’ve brought disaster on me! For I have made a vow to the Lord, and I cannot take it back.” And she said, “Father if you have made a vow to the Lord, you must do to me what you have vowed, for the Lord has given you a great victory over your enemies, the Ammonites. But first let me do this one thing: Let me go up and roam in the hills and weep with my friends for two months, because I will die a virgin.” “You may go,” Jephthah said. And he sent her away for two months. She and her friends went into the hills and wept because she would never have children. When she returned home, her father kept the vow he had made, and she died a virgin. So, it has become a custom in Israel for young Israelite women to go away for four days each year to lament the fate of Jephthah’s daughter. The real question should be why would he put any human at risk with that kind of vow regardless of who would meet him at the gate. It was a popular Israelite tradition at the time to greet all returning soldiers at their (home) gates with music and dancing to celebrate safe their return. As a Judge of Israel Jephthah was out of place to make such an unthinking vow even if it was a misguided attempt at giving all his literal glory (even in the form of a possible celebrating greeter) to God.

The book of Job is an interesting one indeed. Consider these new little-known facts about Job that may make you reread the book with new eyes. Job was not an Israelite. He was an Edomite, the usual enemy of God and the Israelites. Keep this in mind when Satan is building his case against him and when Jobs Edomite wife and friends are telling Job to "curse God and die." Job is a walking oxymoron (opposites) biblically a "Righteous Edomite" in Gods eyes, who keeps the laws of God. Job 1:1 There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil. How do I know he was an Edomite? The land of Uz is unique location well recognized biblically for being a place where only Edomites live. With Israelites being their sworn enemies, they could not live amongst them according to Gods commandments. Lamentations 4:21 reads: Rejoice and be glad, O daughter of Edom, that dwellest in the land of Uz. Therefore, Satan in almost prosecutorial fashion accuses Job of not being authentically good, in essence, just like all the rest of his kinsmen. Satan continues to accuse Job on the theory that he is merely feigning thankfulness to God because of all the blessings that he has received and for nothing more, implying that Job is not a true believer like the Israelites are. God then allows Satan to test Job but not to kill him. Then later even to effect Jobs health but Job remains strong in faith. However, he does complain almost exhaustively.

There is some interesting phraseology used in the book of Job that most people miss regarding the Edomites that apply to the rest of the Bible that I would now like to point out. Other biblical translations of the besides the King James version try to edit the text and retranslate this next word into another word altogether but I would like to point it out for you and clue you into an important biblical connection that’s purposefully being masked today. Job 30:29 (KJV only) I am a brother to DRAGONS, and a companion to OWLS. Edomites are occasionally referred to in the Bible as "DRAGONS" (the original biblical Hebrew word tanniyn; Strong's Concordance word H8577) and here Job, an Edomite, is referring to himself as a "BROTHER OF DRAGONS" and a companion of owls. (usually the animal symbol for mysticism and demonic/evil magic practices) Although this sounds very Game of Thrones-ish (Daenerys Targaryen mother of tanniyn's, see the Hebrew language based naming scheme. GOT was obviously created by Old Testament knowledgeable, Hebrew-speaking, Jewish writers George R. R Mart and David Benioff) it's a little more serious than that.

The progenitor of the Edomites, Esau has another name that means "RED", EDOM. So, ESAU = EDOM = RED in different places in the Bible especially when the word Red is a descriptive word describing the Edomites. For example, Revelations 12:4 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a GREAT RED DRAGON, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. This is not describing a mythical beast it is describing the Edomites forefather RED = ESAU or EDOM and the aforementioned occasional reference from Job DRAGON = EDOMITES. The ROMANS were the literal descendants of ESAU historical, that's why Romans are considered Semitic but not Hebrew. Revelations 12:17 And the DRAGON was wroth (angry) with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed (the Israelites), which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

The Bible never states that God ever even once declares that he is a specifically Christian God although he does state this regarding Israel and the twelve tribes in Amos 3:2 (NLT) "From among all the families on the earth, I have been intimate with you alone. That is why I must punish you for all your sins." In addition to Joel 2:27 (WEB) You will know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am God, your God, and there is no one else; and my people will never again be disappointed. God states that he is the God in the midst of Israel and that they are his people. The Bible does not seem to have very many passages where Almighty God verbally claims Christians as his people in this similar manner. There are biblical passages regarding the grafting in of olive branches (Gentiles) and Peters vision (regarding Gentile cleanliness) and several other rather convoluted figurative biblical concepts seemingly accepting of all comers but not direct Godly declarations.

Even Yeshua gave orders to his disciples to take on the great commission of Matthew 28:19-20 (NLT) Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Even Christians have exclusive membership status initiation steps to follow and maintain to be included as these elite status disciples from all nations that Yeshua speaks of. These steps are expressly obeying all the many Command(ment)s which Yeshua continuously taught during his ministry and that God personally gave to his people Israel. Today Yeshua's Intention is for you to follow them as well, then he will return. He is waiting for you personally to begin following Gods laws in addition to his forgiveness because he knows what he and his father's judgments of you will be otherwise.





In July of 2010 Ben Ihegboro and Angela Ihegboro, both of Nigerian descent (likely of the Igbo tribe) gave birth to a blond haired, blue-eyed white skinned baby named Nmachi.70 There was no in vitro fertilization involved nor any genetic trickery. The baby was not albino. Nothing was abnormal about the baby aside from it being a perfectly healthy white baby along with both her parent's legitimate DNA. Here are a couple of quotes from the Doctor in New York Post regarding the baby: "She’s the result of a gene mutation unique to her. If that is the case, Nmachi would pass the gene to her children and they, too, would likely be white." And the Post also quoted the Doctor saying, "She’s the product of long-dormant white genes, passed on to her by her parents, that might have been carried by their predecessors for generations without surfacing until now." This rare medical occurrence sounds a lot like the story of Esau's birth in the book of Genesis when Jacobs fraternal twin came out "Red and hairy like a garment."


Image result for nigerian couple has white baby





HeLa cells are a cell type in an immortal cell line, that can be forever replicated and never die, and are often used in scientific research.71 This remarkably "immortal" cell line was derived from cells that were unknowingly taken from an Israelite woman on her deathbed, by the name of Henrietta Lacks, hence the first two letters of her names He and La used to identify her incredible lifesaving cells. Although these cells were stolen and replicated in mass, entirely without consent or proper financial compensation of Lacks family, almost every bioscience breakthrough ever made since 1951 are owed to her cells. HeLa cells are responsible for countless vaccines, cancer treatments, successful in-vitro pregnancies, medications, and various stem cell and cloning studies. These cells are so remarkable that they are being considered as an entirely new independent species. I think God already has the perfect name for such a species of remarkable cell carrying individuals. I'm under the distinct impression that God would call them, his people, the true Israelites.



Never forfeit or forget your ability literally to speak things into existence. God (YHVH) created the entire universe by "speaking" it into existence. In John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.72 The concept of "Word" in this previous verse doesn't necessarily mean the Bible as many believe. According to the Strong's Concordance the Greek word used for the "Word" is defined as a part of speech uttered by a living voice that embodies a conception or idea. This is the "Word" that was God, it was God speaking unsubstantiated things into material existence. John later says that all things were made through him referring to the audible speech of God which carried with it all of Gods authority and eventually became flesh in Christ. He then made man and woman-kind in his image and likeness, meaning we possess similar abilities as both Christ and our maker. This includes essentially speaking our own individual universes into existence. Whether you realize it or not, you take part in it every day by complaining or positively claiming things as you want them.

Quantum science has already proven that simply the act of observation or thinking about an outcome can alter its results on a testable atomic level. However, the realm of speaking is a whole separate world of power. Moses in the wilderness spoke the need for food and water to God. God gave Moses and 2.4 million Hebrews Mana from heaven and water from rocks. Moses was actually punished by God for not "speaking" to a rock to give the Hebrews water rather than hitting it with his staff in Numbers 20:8. Even the atoms and molecules of the periodic table are under the command of an allied heavenly power when you decide to finally speak things to be so.

A keeper of Gods commandments is allowed this verbal authoritative power for example Mark 4:38-39 Jesus was sleeping at the back of the boat with his head on a cushion. The disciples woke him up, shouting, "Teacher, don't you care that we're going to drown? "When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Silence! Be still!" Suddenly the wind stopped, and there was a great calm. Yeshua stopped the wind by speaking to it out loud not just thinking about it or praying about it in his head quietly. Listen to what Christ says you can do in John 14:12 (NLT) “I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father. While you may find this last statement a little hard to believe, remember he is a savior who does not lie.









This is the English pronunciation of the Lord's prayer in the Hebrew-Aramaic language, the way our Lord Jesus Christ would have pronounced the same prayer in his own language.73 With this prayer, you will truly be following in the footsteps of Yeshua HaMashiach. (Jesus Christ)
















Chapter 1

  1. The Because I Love You, Commandment Re-establishment Fund was created in an earnest effort to donate free copies of this book to public libraries, pastors, and prisoners and re-establish the ultimate goal of Yeshua that the commandments of God be kept by all Christ believers
  2. Messianic means relating to or inspired by the Messiah or Christ
  3. Mashiach literally means “anointed” in Hebrew. He is A man chosen by God to put an end to all evil in the world, bring the exiles back to Israel and usher in the world to come. Generally translated as "messiah," the Jewish concept is very different from the Christian one.


Chapter 2

  1. Them refers to; not within the covenant of grace, nor among the disciples of Christ or any except from whom it was revealed (Jews or Gentiles) Gills Exposition of the Entire Bible
  2. Matthew 15:24, King James Version and virtually every other translation; by "the house of Israel", is meant the whole body of the Jewish nation, so called from Israel, the name of Jacob their father, from whom they sprung; Gills Exposition of the Entire Bible
  3. Some of Paul’s teachings to the gentiles go directly against the teachings of Christ and some of the Commandments of God; more on this later
  4. Deuteronomy 7:2 and Exodus 23:32-33
  5. According to Wikipedia


Chapter 3


  1. IUICintheclassroom-youtube.com (Elder Nathanyel)
  2. Lemba Tribe of South Africa; PBS.org/Nova; Wikipedia; CMH genetic markers
  3. James 2:14-26
  4. Bible Commentary; Daniel 7:9 (KJV; Father's hair was like pure wool as Ancient of Days) Father and Son nearly identically similar in likeness; If you have seen me you have seen the father.
  5. Credit grace period analogy to Brother Barnabas of IUIC

Chapter 4


  1. Barnes notes on the bible states that the term “dog” is designed as an expression of the highest contempt. Christ means to say he was sent only for the twelve tribes
  2. The Torah (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy) and the books of Joshua, Judges, Job, Esther, Psalms, Song of Solomon, Proverbs and all the Prophets.
  3. ELOHIM or ELOHAY (God creator; mighty and strong), EL (God prominent strong), YHVH (Lord; God’s proper name), EL SHADDAI (God Almighty), ADONAI (Lord), YHVH-JIREH (The Lord Will Provide), YHVH-RAPHA (The Lord Who Heals), YHVH-NISSI (The Lord Our Banner; rallying cry), YHVH-M’KADDESH (The Lord Who Makes Holy), YHVH-SHALOM (The Lord Our Peace), Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh (I Am Who I AM)
  4. Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and 11:13-21
  5. Leviticus 6:27
  6. Leviticus 11:31-38
  7. My own personal theory after learning the commandments and the transference of ritual uncleanness there was a 25% chance she was menstruating at that given time of the month and that would have been a sufficient enough reason for Yeshua to prevent her from touching him but not his male disciples
  8. Heave offering or terumah is a type of offering usually of food given to a Jewish priest, sometimes called the great offering
  9. Some Gentiles were simultaneously Israelites who were excommunicated from Israelite society and the laws of debt release still applied to their debts
  10. The Zohar commentary to Genesis 14 cites Rabbi Yitzchak as saying that it was God who gave a tithe to Abram in the form of removing the Hebrew letter He from his own throne of glory and presented it to Abram for his benefit. (Zohar Chodosh to Bereishit chap. 14

Chapter 5


  1. Exodus 20:4-6 No graven image or likeness of anything in heaven or on earth…. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them; for I am a jealous God visiting the iniquity (wicked act or thing) of the fathers upon the children unto the 3rd and 4th generations…. and showing mercy to those…. that keep my commandments
  2. In his book The Two Babylon’s, the nineteenth-century Alexander Hislop attempted to connect the name Ishtar with the word Easter. Other sources claim the word Easter comes from Germanic Pagan sources the name Easter is, in fact, most likely derived from the name of Ēostre, a Germanic goddess whose Germanic month bears her name (Northumbrian: Ēosturmōnaþ; West Saxon: Ēastermōnaþ; Old High German: Ôstarmânoth ). She is solely attested by Bede in his 8th-century work The Reckoning of Time, where Bede states that during Ēosturmōnaþ (the equivalent of April), pagan Anglo-Saxons had held feasts in Ēostre's honor (Watkins, Calvert The American Heritage Dictionary of Indo-European Roots.)
  3. Eostre-Wikipedia (Mallory & Adams (1997:148–149) The word Lucifer is taken from the Latin Vulgate, which translates הֵילֵל as lucifer, (uncapitalized) meaning "the morning star, the planet Venus", or, as an adjective, "light-bringing"
  4. Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth by Reza Aslan
  5. Esau; also known as Edom which means Red in Hebrew (The typical color of a crying Caucasian baby at birth) Esau was described as a totally different skin color as Jacob his fraternal twin and every child that came before him. Esau married two Canaanite women and one Ishmaelite woman (all three of dark complexion). He became the eventual progenitor of the Romans and the Arab people (Edomites also Mixed with Greeks after Alexander the Great's conquests) Edom is considered the daughter of Babylon according to the Bible in Psalms. 137:7-8 JEWISH AMERICAN HISTORY FOUNDATION
  6. Jewish Encyclopedia 1925 edition, Vol. 5, page 41; 1980 Jewish Al

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