Interesting Facts by Husanboy Qodirov - HTML preview

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Part 6


Male and female brains are wired differently.

Mushrooms create their own breeze.

The largest living organism is a giant honey mushroom.

Truffles are the most expensive food in the world.

The brain treats rejection like physical pain.

Another word for growling tummy sounds in “borborygmi”.

Cows have distinct accents in their mooing, depending on where they are from.

Leonardo Da Vinci was the first to explain why the sky is blue.

The world consumes close to 2.25 billion cups of coffee every day.

It is estimated that millions of trees are planted by forgetful squirrels.

France once controlled more than 8% of the world’s land.

Some snakes survive for two years without a meal.

A strawberry isn’t an actual berry, but a banana is.

Some fish, like triggerfish, can swim backwards.

Antarctica is the largest desert in the world.

The Earth’s core is about as hot as the sun.

A lemon contains more sugar than a strawberry.

Beavers have orange teeth.

A newborn baby has one cup of blood in his body.

The tongue is the only muscle in the body only connected at one end.

People are more likely to make good decisions when they need to urinate.

Someone needs blood every 2 seconds.

Tree can die from old age.

Turritopsis dohrnii, a jellyfish that reverts to an earlier stage in its development cycle in order to cheat death.

Samsung means “three stars” in Korean.