Lesson-Ology by BehaviourNeeds.com - HTML preview

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Make Your Lessons FUN

‘Relationship-Builder’ 4

‘The Staffroom Praise Board’

Number of people: Unlimited

Materials: N/A

Time: Ongoing project

Overview: This is a whole-school approach to building a positive atmosphere and positive relationships between staff and pupils. Understandably, individual pupils’ efforts often get overlooked – particularly in a large setting. This strategy ensures that even the smallest improvements made by a particular pupil are noticed and acknowledged by EVERY

member of staff.


1. Assign an area of wall in the staffroom for the praise board. There should be room for five to ten A4 sheets and it should be an area which staff will see whenever they enter the staffroom.

2. Each week, pupils are nominated for a place on the praise board (pupils aren’t told about this). Staff put forward a pupil and give reasons for their nomination. After a vote, a photo of each chosen pupil is put on the board together with a brief summary of why they have been chosen.

3. The idea is that every member of staff will see this board regularly throughout the course of the week. When they next see one of the pupils from the board – either in the classroom, in the dinner queue or out on the yard - they can mention how impressed they are with the pupil’s achievement. Over the space of a week, a pupil will receive a huge amount of positive, and often much-needed, reinforcement with several members of staff acknowledging the same achievement.

“Hey, I hear you were very good in maths this week Jonny. Well done mate, keep it up!”

“Damien! A little bird told me you managed to get through a whole lesson without being sent out. Brilliant, isn’t it better when you’re not getting detention every day?”

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