Lesson-Ology by BehaviourNeeds.com - HTML preview

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Time: 10 minutes.

Number of People: Any even number.

Materials: Per pair - 1 piece of string or tie, and 1 blindfold.


1. Students work in pairs.

2. One student wears the blind fold while the other leads this first student through, under and over a series of obstacles.

3. Students swap roles.

4. Students give feedback, talking about how they felt about the other student before the exercise and how they feel about them after it.


Students guide each other round the room but this time from behind – one being the ‘car’

and the other the ‘driver’.

Students are not allowed to speak during this exercise and so the first time they try it they will invariably end up ‘crashing’ into obstacles. Stop the exercise and ask them how they can avoid this without speaking. Encourage them to develop their own ideas for communicating or, alternatively, provide them with very simple signals such as: Tap left shoulder to ‘turn left’

Tap right shoulder to ‘turn right’

Gently tap top of head to ‘stop’

As the exercise develops students will naturally develop additional ideas for useful control signals such as: Gently kick seat of pants to ‘gesticulate rudely at other drivers’ etc.

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