Methods for Social Change by Andreea-Loredana Tudorache - HTML preview

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Theatre of the Oppressed and Pedagogy of the Oppressed

Boal, Augusto -Games for Actors and Non-Actors ( London: Routledge (1992)

Boal, Augusto - Legislative Theatre ( London: Routledge (1998)

Boal, Augusto - Theatre of the Oppressed ( London: Pluto (1979)

Freire, Paulo - Pedagogy of the Oppressed ( New York: Continuum (1970)

Toolkits (W ebsites were checked in november 2013)

A.R.T. Fusion – TO Collection of Practices

UNESCO-CCIVS Project-Act, Learn and Teach (Toolkit for Youth in aArica)

Youth ARTS Handbook: Arts Programs for Youth at Risk 

Participatory Theatre for Conflict Transformation 

A guide to interactive drama for sexual and reproductive health with young people

Theatre-Based Techniques for Youth Peer Education: A Training Manual

Manuals, activities, toolkits