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7.     Travel

Getting money is like digging with needle, spending it is like water soaking in to sand. -Japanese proverb





1 Pack food before you go on a road trip: Have everyone pack a sack lunch for the tripThat way, instead of stoppinin the middle othe trip, driving around looking for place to eat, spending a bunch of time there, and then paying a hefty bill, you can just eat on the road or, better yet, stop at a nice park and stretch for a bit. Plus, youll save a lot of money  and a fair amount of time this way.


2 Travelling abroad money savings tips: Follow these money saving tips to make your holiday money go further.


Before you go:


Consider all your travel options, and most importantly, shop around. Many tour companies offer packages but you may find it cheaper to book all the different parts of your trip separately. But remember that your protection under consumer law may be less if you book each part of your holiday separately. Consider all your options such as renting an apartment, staying in hostels, campsites or hiring a camper van. Not only are these options likely to be better value for money, going self-catering means you can save by eating out less.


Shop around for travel insurance. If you book a package, travel agents and tour operators may sell travel insurance as part of the package but you do not have to take their insurance. You may be able   to get better value b buyin your travel insurance separately from another provider, particularly if you need travel insurance for more than one trip in a year. If you have private health insurance you might be able to get discounted travel insurance too.


Plan ahead before you go - research the local area, public transport  an place t eat  out Conside investin in   a guidebook. Research local areas online or borrow travel books from your local library for free. You are less likely to end up in an overpriced tourist area or paying too much for a taxi if you do your homework before you go.


Tell your bank that you will be using your cards abroad to avoid having your account fro