Money Saving Secrets by Nitinkumar Chauhan - HTML preview

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9.     Fun and Entertainment

They who are of the opinion that money will do everything may very well be suspected to do everything for money. -George Savile





1 Invite friends over instead of going out: Almost every activity at home is less expensive than going out. Invite some friends over and have a cookout or a potluck meal, then play some cards and have a few drinks. Everyone will have fun, the cost will be low, and the others will likely reciprocate not long afterwards.


2 Don spen bi mone entertaining   you children Most children, especially young ones, can be entertained very cheaply. Buy them an end roll of newspaper from your local paper and let their creativity run wild. Make game out of ordinary stuff around the house, like tossing pennies into a jar. Even realize that what your children want most of all is your time, not your stuff, and youll find money in your pocket and joy in your heart.


3 Replay: Buy video/games that have a lot of replay value and dont acquire new ones until youve mastered what you have. Good targets include puzzle games and long, involved quest games they maximize the value of your gaming dollar.


4 Make a quadruple batch of a casserole: Casseroles are nice, easy dishes to prepare, but on busy nights, it’s often still easier to just order some take-out or eat out or just plop a prepackaged meal in the oven. Instead, the next time you make a casserole, make four batches of it and put the other three in the freezer. Then, the next time you need a quick meal for the family, grab one of

those batches and just heat it up easy as can be. Even better, doing this allows you to buy the ingredients in bulk, making each casserole cheaper than it would be ordinarily and far, far cheaper than eating out or trying a prepackaged meal.


5 Plan your meals around your grocery stores flyer: Instead of just planning your meals based on a cookbook or whatever you can dream up, plan all your meals around what’s on sale in your gro