Much, for many, 195.
Muchly, 36.
Mutual, confused with common, Glossary.
Name, form of verb, 46-47.
Namely, punctuation of, 141 (§122).
Near, confused with nearly, 195.
Neither, misuse with more than two objects, 40, Glossary.
Neither-nor, 105-106.
Nerve, Glossary.
Neuter gender, defined, 12; of nouns and pronouns, 14.
Newly coined expressions, rule against, 186.
Newsy, Glossary.
Nominative case, defined 9; when used, 21-22, note 3, 101-102.
No place, 42, Glossary.
No, punctuation of, 137 (§102).
No good, for worthless, 230.
North, capitalization of, 137 (§100).
Not muchly, 36.
Practical Grammar and Composition
Notes in the third person, 171.
Not only—but also, 105-106.
Notorious, confused with noted, Glossary.
Nouns, common, 1, 7; proper, 7; case of, 9; gender of, 12; number of, 7.
Nowhere near, for not nearly, 36, Glossary.
Number, defined, 7; agreement of verb and subject in number, 64-69; singular, 7; plural, 7; of relative
pronouns, 69, 102; of pronouns, 15; of pronouns with compounded antecedent, 15; rules for forming
plurals of nouns, 7.
Number, sign #, used for, 156, 165.
O and oh, capitalization of, 137 (§100).
Object complement, explained, 4.
Objective case, defined, 9; when used, 21.
Obligative mode, 90 (footnote).
Observance, confused with observation, 195.
Obsolete words, 185-186.
Of, Glossary.
Omission, of adverb much, 45; of important words, 127 (5); of prepositions, 108; punctuation in case of
140 (§117); 143 (§138); of verbs, 87.
One another, use of, 40.
Only, placing of, 41; with a negative, 42, Glossary.
Order of heading in letters, 155-156.
Other, use of in comparison, 37.
Ought, 50.
Outline, for composition, 174-177; illustration of, 175.
Outside address, of letters, 164-166.
Outside of, 42, Glossary.
Over-statement of facts, rule against, 201.
Page 241
Over with, Glossary.
Pants, Glossary.
Paragraphing of letters, 161.
Paragraphs, 148-153; coherence in, 151-153; emphasis in, 153; indentation of, 149; in letters, 161; length
of, 148; unity in, 149-151.
Parenthesis marks, use of, 142; too frequent use of, 121 (1-b).
Parts of speech, classified, 1.
Passive voice and active voice explained, 56; forms of, 92-100.
Past participle, explanation and use of, 46-48.
Past tense, explanation and use of, 46-48.
Participles, explanation of, 80; confusion with gerunds, 80; dangling, 80-81; at beginning of sentence, 81;
preceded by thus, 81.
Period, use of, 137.
Periodic sentence, 117.
Personal pronouns, defined, 13; classified, 13; compound personal pronouns, 26; use of common and of
grave forms of, 29 (2); unnecessary use of, 29 (3).
Piece, Glossary.
Photo, Glossary.
Phrases, defined, 4; prepositional, 4; verb, 4; punctuation of adverbial phrases, 140 (§116), 141 (§121).
Place, Glossary.
Placing of adjectives and adverbs, 41.
Plenty, Glossary.
Plural number, explained, 7; rules for forming plurals of nouns, 7.
Point of view, in paragraph, 150; in sentence, 123; in whole composition, 178.
Poorly, for ill, Glossary.
Positive degree, 32.
Position, in letters, of complimentary close, 163; of heading, 155; of inside address, 157; of salutation, 159;
of outside address, 164.
Possessive case, defined, 10; rules for forming possessives of nouns; when used, 22.
Practical Grammar and Composition
Potential mode, explanation and forms of, 90-91, 97-98.
Predicate of the sentence; defined, 2; compound, predicate, explained, 3.
Prepositional phrase, 4.
Prepositions, defined, 2; omission of, 108; proper use of, 107; unnecessary use of, 108; used as
conjunctions, 106.
Principal, confused with principle, Glossary.
Principal parts of verbs, explained, 46; classified, 46-48; list of, 48-50; rules for use of, 48.
Principal verbs, explained, 46.
Professional words, 187.
Pronouns, defined 2, 13; adjective, 28; antecedent of, defined, 13; agreement with antecedent, 13; case
forms of, 20-21; compound personal, 26; compound relative, 27; gender of, 13-14; interrogative, 17, 102;
number of, 15; outline of, use of case forms of, 21; relative, 17, 101; rules determining gender of, 14;
with compound antecedents, 15.
Pronunciation, lists of frequently mispronounced words, 209-220; words given wrong sounds, 209-217; Page 242
words given wrong accent, 217-220; words of foreign pronunciation, 217; words of similar spelling, 220.
Proper adjectives, capitalization of, 136 (§95).
Proper nouns, defined, 7; capitalization of, 136 (§95).
Propose, for intend, Glossary.
Providing, for if, Glossary.
Provincialisms, definition and rule against use of, 186.
Punctuation, rules for, 137-144; in letters, body, 162; heading, 156; inside address, 157; outside address,
157; salutation, 160.
Qualities, essential: Of sentences, unity, 126-128; emphasis, 131; euphony, 132-133. Of paragraphs, unity,
149-151; coherence, 151-153; emphasis, 153. Of whole composition, unity, 178; coherence, 178.
Quite, for very, 196.
Quotation marks, use of, 143.
Quotations, punctuation of, 139 (§115), 141 (§123), 142 (§131), 143 (§§132-137).
Raise, confused with rise, 56, Glossary.
Recommend, confused with recommendation, Glossary.
Relative causes, cases in, 101-102; explanatory or non-restrictive, 18; introduction of successive, 103-104;
punctuation of, 135 (§111); use of when or where clause, 103-104.
Relative pronouns, defined and explained, 17-18; agreement of verb with, 69 (4); case and number of, 69
(4), 21-22, 101-102; compound, 27-28; explanatory or non-restrictive, 18; restrictive, 18; use of, with
different antecedents, 17-18.
Repetition of similar words or syllables, 132 (1), 133 (3).
Reputation, confused with character, 192, Glossary.
Respectfully, confused with respectively, 195.
Rev. , 166.
Right away, Glossary.
Right off, Glossary.
Rise, confused with raise, 56, Glossary.
Salutation, in letters, 159-161.
Some, misuse as a pronoun, Glossary.
Say, for order or command, Glossary.
Scarcely, placing of, 41; with a negative, 42, Glossary.
Scriptures, capitalization, of, 137 (§100).
Seldom ever, Glossary.
Semi-colon, use of, 140-141.
Sentence elements out of natural order, 138 (§109).
Sentences: defined, 1; declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory, 1; essential qualities of, 121-136;
loose, periodic, balanced, 117; simple, complex, compound, 5; length of, 117; slipshod construction of,
122 (2).
Sequence of tenses, infinitive, 84; in clauses, 86.
Series of words, punctuation of, 137 (105).
Page 243
Set, confused with sit, 56-57, Glossary.
Practical Grammar and Composition
S-form of verb, 47.
Shut of, for rid of, Glossary.
Sight, for many, Glossary.
Signature of writer, in letters, 163-164.
Simple sentence, defined, 5.
Simple words, use of, 200.
Similar expressions of similar thoughts, 128 (7).
Singular form of verb, explanation and use of, 47, after you and they, 69 (2).
Singular number, explained, 7.
Sit, confused with set, 56-57, Glossary.
Shall and will, use of, in dependent clauses, 73; in principal clauses, 71-72; in questions, 72; model conjugations of, 88-100; past tenses of, 76-77.
Should and would, model conjugations of, 88-100; use of, 76-77.
Slang, 187.
So, use of, 104-105.
Solecisms, 185.
Some, misuse as an adverb, Glossary.
Somebody else's, 10.
Sort, with plurals, Glossary.
Sort of a, 44, Glossary.
South, capitalization of, 137 (§100).
Speech, paragraphing of, 149.
Specific terms, use of, 201.
Spelling, lists of words frequently misspelled, 205-208; rules for, 206-208; of words of similar sound, 208.
"Squinting construction," 127 (3-b)
Street, omission of in letters, 157.
Subject of sentence or clause, defined 2; agreement of verb and subject, 64-65, 67, 69; compound, 3;
relative pronoun as, 69 (4), 101-102, of whole composition, 174, 178; statement of, in composition, 174.
Subject matter of letters, 161.
Subjunctive mode, 61, 62, 88-100.
Such, Glossary.
Summarizing word, use of, 128 (6); punctuation of, 142 (§127).
Superlative degree, 32; misuse in comparing only two things, 37.
Suspect, for expect, 196.
Syllables, division of words into, 144, (§139).
Synonyoms, value of, 204.
Tasty, for tasteful, Glossary.
Technical words, 187.
"Telegraph style," in letters, 161.
Tense, explained, 46; sequence of, 84, 86.
Than, use of, 105.
That, with what antecedents used, 18; as a restrictive relative, 18; misuse of, Glossary.
That is, punctuation of, 141 (§122).
The, use of article, 44.
Their'n, theirself, theirselves, 26.
Them, for those, 29 (7).
Then, use of, 104.
There, improper use of after demonstratives, Glossary.
They, indefinite use of, 29 (8); with singular verb, 69 (2).
Third person, notes in the, 171.
Those kind, and these sort, 40.
Three first, Glossary.
Thusly, 36.
Title of whole composition, 174, 178.
Titles, abbreviations of, 158, 160; capitalization of, 136 (§§ 96, 97).
Page 244
To-day, to-morrow, to-night, hyphens with, 144 (§140).
Too, misuse of, 45, Glossary.
Practical Grammar and Composition
Transition, in whole composition, 178-180.
Transitive and intransitive verbs, confusion of, 56; explanation of, 4, 55-56.
Transpire, for happen, 196.
Try and, Glossary.
Two first, Glossary.
Unbeknown, for unknown, 36.
Unity: Of paragraph, 149-151; how to gain, 150; illustrations of, 151. Of sentence, 121-123. Of whole
composition, 178.
Unnecessary words, use of, 108-131.
Verb phrase, explained, 4.
Verbs, defined, 2, 46; agreement of verb and subject, 64-65, 69; agreement of verb in clauses, 86; auxiliary,
46; gerunds, 80-82; infinitives, 83-84; mode, 61-63; model conjugations of to-be and to see, 88-100;
omission of verbs or parts of, 87; participles, 80-82; principal, 46; principal parts, 46-47; principal parts,
list of, 48-50; transitive and intransitive, 55-56; use of auxiliaries, 71-73, 76-77, 79; voice, 56.
Very, 45, 196.
viz. , punctuation of, 141 (§122).
Vocabulary, rules for improvement of, 203-204.
Vocation, confused with avocation, 191.
Vulgarisms, 187.
Wake, confused with awake, 56, Glossary.
Wait on, confused with wait for, Glossary.
Ways, Glossary.
Weak beginnings and endings of sentences, 131 (1).
Well, confused with good, 33, 193.
West, capitalization of, 137 (§100).
What, with what antecedents, 18.
When, 103-104.
Where, 104.
Which, with clause or phrase as antecedent, 29 (9); with what antecedents used, 18.
Who, with what antecedents used, 18. Whole composition, 174-180; beginning of, 177, ending of, 180;
paragraph composition or paragraph theme, 148.
Will, use of, see shall.
Without, misuse as a conjunction, 106. Words, choice of, 200-201; clipped or abbreviated, 187; division of
at ends of lines, 144, (§139); foreign, 186, 217; good use of, 185-190; how to improve vocabulary of,
203-204, idioms, 198-199; in place of figures in letters, 157; newly-coined, 186; of coherence, 152-180;
professional, 187; pronunciation of, 208-220, provincialisms, 186; simple English, 200; slang, 187;
spelling of, 205-208; technical words, 187; vulgarisms, 187.
Would, see should.
Yes, punctuation of, 137 (102).
You, indefinite use of, 29 (8); with singular verb, 69 (2).
Yours truly and yours respectfully, wrong abbreviation of, 163.
Your'n, 26.
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