This book was begun as a result of the author's experience in teaching some classes in
English in the night preparatory department of the Carnegie Technical Schools of Pittsburg.
The pupils in those classes were al adults, and needed only such a course as would enable
them to express themselves in clear and correct English. English Grammar, with them, was
not to be preliminary to the grammar of another language, and composition was not to be
studied beyond the everyday needs of the practical man.
Great difficulty was experienced because of inability to secure a text that was suited to the
needs of the class. A book was needed that would be simple, direct and dignified; that would
cover grammar, and the essential principles of sentence structure, choice of words, and
general composition; that would deal particularly with the sources of frequent error, and
would omit the non-essential points; and, finaly that would contain an abundance of exercises
and practical work.
It is with these ends in view that this book has been prepared. The parts devoted to
grammar have folowed a plan varying widely from that of most grammars, and an effort has
been made to secure a more sensible and effective treatment. The parts devoted to
composition contain brief expositions of only the essential principles of ordinary composition.
Especial stress has been laid upon letter-writing, since this is believed to be one of the most
practical fields for actual composition work. Because such a style seemed best suited to the
general scheme and purpose of the book, the method of treatment has at times been
intentionaly rather formal.
Abundant and varied exercises have been incorporated at frequent intervals throughout the Page vi
text. So far as was practicable the exercises have been kept constructive in their nature, and
upon critical points have been made very extensive.
The author claims little credit except for the plan of the book and for the labor that he has
expended in developing the details of that plan and in devising the various exercises. In the
statement of principles and in the working out of details great originality would have been as
undesirable as it was impossible. Therefore, for these details the author has drawn from the
great common stores of learning upon the subjects discussed. No doubt many traces of the
books that he has used in study and in teaching may be found in this volume. He has, at times,
consciously adapted matter from other texts; but, for the most part, such slight borrowings as
may be discovered have been made wholy unconsciously. Among the books to which he is
aware of heavy literary obligations are the folowing excelent texts: Lockwood and
Emerson's Composition and Rhetoric, Sherwin Cody's Errors in Composition, A. H.
Espenshade's Composition and Rhetoric, Edwin C. Wooley's Handbook of Composition,
McLean, Blaisdel and Morrow's Steps in English, Huber Gray Buehler's Practical Exercises
in English, and Carl C. Marshal's Business English.
Practical Grammar and Composition
To Messrs. Ginn and Company, publishers of Lockwood and Emerson's Composition and
Rhetoric, and to the Goodyear-Marshal Publishing Company, publishers of Marshal's
Business English, the author is indebted for their kind permission to make a rather free
adaptation of certain parts of their texts.
Not a little gratitude does the author owe to those of his friends who have encouraged and
aided him in the preparation of his manuscript, and to the careful criticisms and suggestions
made by those persons who examined the completed manuscript in behalf of his publishers.
Above al, a great debt of gratitude is owed to Mr. Grant Norris, Superintendent of Schools, Page vii
Braddock, Pennsylvania, for the encouragement and painstaking aid he has given both in
preparation of the manuscript and in reading the proof of the book.
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