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15.4 Wide area coverage

Where the desired service area for one radio channel is larger than can be covered by a single base station the way in which the base stations are to be controlled requires special consideration. Crucial aspects are the presentation of the best received signal from a mobile to the control operator or despatcher and the selection of the transmitter most likely to provide the best signal at the location of the mobile.

Receiver voting

Well-proven receiver voting circuits which present the best received signal to the despatcher have been used for many years. These circuits sample the signals received from a mobile at each base station and, by means of coded information–which may be either digital or in the form of continuous tones–enable equipment at the control centre to automatically select the best. The selection may be made by comparing either the signal-to-noise ratio or the signal strength of the received signal. If the information is to be used solely to select the best signal in terms of readability, the signal-to-noise ratio is probably the better characteristic to use, but if the information is also to be used to select a base transmitter, the signal strength could be considered more satisfactory. Some systems utilize both types of information.

A typical 3-station voting system is shown in Figure 15.5 where signal sampling and vote encoding occur at the receiving sites and the coded information is passed over the base station control system to the control centre. This method is necessary when the selection is made on a signal strength basis, but where the signal-to-noise ratio is used for the selection the sampling and encoding can be done at the control centre taking into account the noise occurring in the control network. Receiver voting systems operate very quickly, and changes

Site A Site B Site C
Tx Rx Rx Rx

Land lines or radio links
terminating units

LTU and voting

Voted best received signal


Figure 15.5 Radio scheme with one transmit/receive plus two receiver-only stations with voting


of the selected receiving site may occur several times during a message without the despatcher’s awareness.

The broadcast transmit and receive paths are not always reciprocal, for instance when low power hand-portables are integrated with higher power vehicular mobiles. In these circumstances the use of additional receiver-only fill-in stations is an economic and satisfactory proposition.

Base transmitter control poses a problem much more difficult to resolve. The selection of a base transmitter to communicate with a mobile whose precise whereabouts may be unknown, the broadcasting of messages to all, or groups of, mobiles whose locations may be widespread, and the provision of talk-through between mobiles are all facilities required on major systems, and difficult to provide satisfactorily. Apart from trunking, which can be economic only on very large networks, there are three traditional methods of operating the base transmitters on wide area schemes: manual selection, automatic selection and simultaneous transmission from more than one transmitter.

Manual transmitter selection

On many systems the despatchers select the transmitters manually. It is the simplest and least expensive method but has serious disadvantages:

1. Making the selection may entail trying a number of transmitters before sending the message, increasing the operator’s work load and wasting air time.

2. Mobiles outside the service area of the selected transmitter may call, interrupting an existing conversation, either because they are unaware that the system is engaged or have received a poor signal that they believe may have been intended for them. Transmitting bursts of ‘engaged’ pips sequentially over the unselected transmitters during pauses in the despatcher’s speech alleviates the first situation; the use of selective calling overcomes the second.

3. Broadcast messages must be transmitted on each transmitter in turn and talk-through between mobiles which are not in the service area of the same transmitter is not practicable.

Automatic transmitter selection

Selecting the transmitters automatically, or semi-automatically, is an improvement over manual selection. On a system where the mobiles are not equipped with selective calling and automatic acknowledgement of a call, automatic selection of transmitters can only occur on receipt of a call from a mobile. The transmitter through which to reply is then selected by the receiver voting system at the same time as it selects the signal to present to the despatcher. The selection is made at the start of the call and, because of the switching times involved, the transmitter selected is retained for the duration of the call. On these open channel systems, a calling despatcher must initially manually select a transmitter.

On systems where selective calling and auto-acknowledgement of a call are provided, the system can be made fully automatic by transmitting the data corresponding to a mobile’s call sign from each transmitter in turn until a satisfactory acknowledgement is received. The successful transmitter is then retained for the duration of the conversation and, at its conclusion, is usually the one used to commence another call.

Such a system overcomes the disadvantage of the need to manually select the transmitter but the problems with mobiles outside the service area of the selected transmitter, and of broadcasting and talk-through, remain.

Simultaneous transmission

Operationally, simultaneous transmission from all sites is ideal and, under various names such as Spaced Carrier, Simulcast and Quasisynch., has been around since the mid-1940s. Its operational value is proven but systems require special care in their planning, adjustment and subsequent maintenance.

An early form of simultaneous transmission was the amplitude modulated spaced carrier system. Used very successfully at VHF on systems using 25 kHz channel separation, the transmitter carrier frequencies were separated by 7 kHz – above the mobile receivers’ audio pass-band. With the reduction of channel spacings to 12.5 kHz, spaced carrier operation on this basis was no longer possible and alternatives are to either synchronize, or very nearly synchronize, the carrier frequencies. There are, however, undesirable effects of synchronous and quasi-synchronous transmission but, with care, these can be reduced to an acceptable level. They are:

1. The beat note between transmitters being audible in the mobile receiver.
2. Variations in signal level due to interference patterns between signals from more than one transmitter.
3. Distortion due to audio phase differences and differing modulation levels when signals of comparable strength are received from more than one transmitter.
The beat note is easily dealt with. It is rendered unobjectionable either by placing it outside the mobile receiver audio pass-band – which is the usual method – or by synchronizing the transmitter carrier frequencies so that no beat note is produced. Synchronization, however, raises other problems, which are particularly severe at VHF but less so at UHF.
The spaced carrier system placed the beat note above the receiver pass-band, but modern systems place it below. This means that the beat note between the lowest and highest carrier frequencies must be below about 150 Hz if it is to be unobtrusive. Tests have shown the optimum carrier separation to be from 0.5 Hz to 4 Hz between any two transmitters using amplitude modulation, and from 5 Hz to 40 Hz between adjacent frequency transmitters using angle modulation. Two transmitters on the same or closely-spaced frequencies produce deep nulls in the received signal in the areas where they provide almost equal strength signals. This is a natural phenomenon and the effect can only be reduced by the correct siting of stations and antenna configurations. Because of the longer wavelength the effect is more detrimental at VHF than UHF. Where the frequencies are quasisynchronous the interference pattern is continually moving, but with synchronized carriers the pattern is virtually stationary and at low band VHF wavelengths it is possible to stop a vehicle in a place of semipermanent zero signal. While moving slowly in an area of equal signal strengths from two transmitters, the cancellations become very objectionable. At 450 MHz the distance between the nulls is so short that it is almost impossible to remain in one, and while moving they are unnoticed. Strong signals in the overlap areas minimize the time that the signals fall below the receiver noise threshold at each cancellation. They are the key to reducing the annoyance from the cancellations. Amplitude modulated systems have an advantage in that the receivers produce less severe bursts of noise during the signal nulls. The audio distortion, provided the equipment does not introduce significant additional harmonic distortion, is attributable to audio phase differences in the signals received from more than one transmitter. For the distortion to be severe, the received signals must differ by less than 6 dB on an angle modulated system; capture effect in the receiver removes the audible effects at greater differences. The phase differences arise from differing audio characteristics in all the circuits in the path including land lines, radio links and control equipment. Common to all systems are the phase differences due to the different path lengths from the control centre to a receiving mobile, but where land lines or multiplexed circuits are used for the control of the base stations, variable bulk and group delays and frequency translation errors can present serious difficulties. Tests have shown AM to be slightly more tolerant than angle modulation in respect of this type of distortion, phase delays of 100µs being acceptable with AM compared with 70µs with FM.
Differing path lengths between the control centre to the transmitting sites can be equalized by installing audio delay circuits at the transmitters. The path lengths from each transmitting site to all the places where equal signals occur must then be less than about 21 km (equivalent to 70µs) for acceptable quality. Modern techniques enable delays to be dynamically equalized to compensate for variations in the path.
Figure 15.6 shows the layout of a multi-station scheme including the audio delays. However, signals do not confine themselves to neat

No artificial delay Station C

Station A Area of equal signal

45 km
151 µs
Station B
23 km s Artificial delay
of 84 µs 23 km s
77 µ

Artificial delay 65 km 218 of 184 µs
Area of
equal signal Radio links
Control centre
Figure 15.6 Quasi-synchronous transmitter system

circles and the worst situation is where the signals from two transmitters arrive at a mobile more or less equal in strength and phase. In this situation, apart from the ripple caused by the carrier frequency offset of the transmitters, a satisfactory signal would still be received but, occasionally, the presence of a weaker signal from a third, distant station (C in Figure 15.6) intrudes during the cancellation periods and, because of its long path length, introduces severe distortion. The area where this situation occurs is often small and the areas of overlap can usually be moved slightly by adjustment of either the transmitter power or antenna directivity.