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19.7 Erection of antennas

The installation of the antenna probably influences the performance of a radio system more than any other part. The heights involved render supervision of the installation difficult and, although antennas are relatively inexpensive, labour charges raise the cost of their replacement, and bad weather may delay rigging work. It is therefore important that good quality antennas are specified and that the initial installation is correct. In addition to the physical mounting arrangements, the dispositions of antennas on the structure are important. Some aspects are detailed below and MPT 1331 contains more information.

19.7.1 Directivity

The radiation pattern diagrams provided in the antenna manufacturers’ catalogues are produced by an isolated antenna. They can be greatly affected by the proximity of the support structure, e.g. if a dipole is mounted close to the leg of a tower, the leg behaves as a reflector and the radiation pattern of the antenna approaches that of two-element Yagi. The less directional the antenna, the worse the effect. Omnidirectional antennas should not be mounted on the side of a mast or tower if it can be avoided. If an omni-directional antenna must be so mounted it should be spaced two wavelengths from it. This is difficult to achieve at the lower frequencies considering the antenna dimensions, weight and windloading. The rear element of a Yagi antenna must be one wavelength clear of the structure. To obtain a nominally omni-directional pattern a better, albeit expensive, solution is to mount a number of antennas, phased correctly, around the tower.

All antennas should point directly away from the structure, i.e. at right angles to the side of the tower.
The proximity of metalwork also adversely affects the VSWR of an antenna, causing standing waves with their additional voltage stresses on the feeder and possibly producing interference.

19.7.2 Practical aspects of antenna installation

All installation components must be made from compatible materials, electrically dissimilar metals, e.g. steel and brass, brass and aluminium, being avoided at all costs; they will corrode and cause intermodulation. Preferred materials are aluminium, and galvanized or stainless steel. Mounting brackets must be secure – remembering that antennas and feeders vibrate – but not overtightened so as to distort and weaken antenna support booms.

Connectors of the correct impedance, and preferably with a captive centre pin, are vital. Type N connectors are available at either 50 or 70 ohms impedance, are robust and can be used at frequencies up to 10 GHz. UHF 83 series connectors, although very robust, are of imprecise impedance and, from first-hand experience of interference aggravated by a UHF 83 used to connect an antenna feeder to a receiver tail, should not be used on base station installations. Assembly instructions for a range of connectors are shown in Chapter 23. All joints must be waterproofed, preferably by first wrapping with a selfamalgamating tape for two inches either side of the joint, then a layer of PVC tape covered by a further layer of Sylglass or Denso tape. When installing feeder cables the required length should be loosely coiled and taken up the tower and paid out as it is secured, working from top to bottom. It must not be dragged from a drum on the ground. Feeders must be cleated at the intervals specified by the manufacturer. Route cables where they are easily accessible but least likely to suffer physical damage.

Health and safety

Apart from the physical risks to riggers, there are radiation hazards. Large amounts of RF power may be radiated from antenna systems and research is continuing into its effects on health. The most recent recommendations of the National Radiological Protection Board and the Department of Trade and Industry should be sought and followed. Riggers should be aware of the power levels present on a structure before climbing, and equipment switched off where levels are considered unsafe.

19.7.3 Antenna checking and fault finding

The majority of VHF and UHF antennas present a short-circuit across the antenna and to ground as a means of reducing their vulnerability to static charges. An ohmmeter applied to the lower end of the feeder will indicate a circuit through the feeder and antenna but may also indicate a short-circuit or low resistance fault, water in the feeder for instance. Most antenna system faults increase the VSWR present on the feeder cable. A good antenna, operating within its design bandwidth, exhibits a VSWR of 1:1. When connected to a length of co-axial cable this may be raised and a VSWR of 1.5:1 for the system is generally considered acceptable. However, faults can be masked by conditions occurring on the feeder, and a measurement taken with a standing wave, or forward and reflected power meter at the bottom of the feeder, may not indicate the true condition of the antenna. A measurement taken with an accurate dummy resistive load connected to the top of the feeder will prove the cable, and a measurement of the VSWR should also be taken directly at the antenna. A record of the VSWR at installation and any subsequent measurements is helpful.