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19.10 Emergency power supplies

The installation of equipment to provide power for all the equipment on a site during a failure of the public supplies has declined in recent years. But although lengthy power failures seem to be a thing of the past, they could recur, and electricity supplies do still fail for short periods. To provide a complete supply for large station necessitates a standby generator. On smaller stations batteries may be capable of supplying the demands of the electronic equipment and emergency lighting for one or two hours. The trend on multi-user shared sites appears to be for the individual user to provide the emergency power, derived from batteries, for his own equipment. Factors to consider are:

1. Standby motor generators are expensive. They need housing, ventilation and fuel storage. They take time to start up, 45 seconds being typical.

2. Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS). Where no interruptions can be tolerated the most efficient supply is provided by batteries alone but the equipment must be designed to operate directly from a DC, low voltage supply.

To supply power at 220/240 V AC an inverter is the accepted method. Double inverters permanently charge a battery from the AC supply and the battery drives an oscillator to reproduce the AC supply voltage, a very inefficient process. Also, should any item of the inverter break down the supply is lost. This is overcome in some inverters by a switch which transfers the load to the public supply when a failure of the inverter occurs. Single inverters charge a battery and supply the equipment directly from the public supply until a failure occurs. When this happens the supply changes over to the battery and oscillator. Single inverters are more efficient but there is a short break in supply while the change-over occurs. Adequate stabilization and filtering to avoid disturbances on the supply must be provided. One possible hazard with all inverter supplies is that where more than one inverter is used, the outputs of the inverters are unlikely to be in phase and a 480 V difference could exist between the supplies for two items of equipment. For all battery-operated supplies correct charging of the battery is crucial. Nickel–cadmium batteries require constant-current charging with a fall to the trickle rate when fully charged and sophisticated circuitry is needed to identify the precise point of full charge (see Section 21.3.2).

Lead acid batteries produce hydrogen if over-charged so their storage must be designed so that no danger, either to personnel or of explosion, exists. For reliability, natural ventilation is preferred to forced. Recommendations for the accommodation of lead acid batteries other than sealed are given in BS 6133: 1985. Batteries which gas also need more frequent maintenance. Because of the reduction in performance of batteries at low temperatures the ambient temperature of the battery storage room should not fall below 4æC, and to reduce water evaporation lead acid batteries should not be run continuously above 40æC.

The period of time over which a lead acid battery must be fully recharged determines the capacity of the battery more than the period of time over which it must supply power. Because of the need to reduce the charge rate – to avoid gassing – to a very low level as the battery approaches full charge, the last 15% of capacity takes a very long time to acquire (see Section 21.3).