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21.1 Cell characteristics

Batteries are composed of cells which exhibit characteristics peculiar to their chemical constituents and construction. Common features, important to users, are their ability to store energy within a small space and with the least weight, and to release it at an adequate rate for the purpose under consideration.

21.1.1 Capacity

The amount of energy a battery can store is measured in ampere hours (Ah) at a specified discharge rate. For large cells this is usually the 10 hour rate but American practice, which is now almost universal, at least for smaller cells, is to use the 1 hour rate. It is important, therefore, to be certain which rate is referred to. The capacity reduces as the rate of discharge increases. Thus a battery of 60 ampere hours capacity at the 10 hour rate will provide 6 amps for ten hours before reaching the point at which it is considered to be discharged. If a current of 12 amps is taken, the battery will become discharged in less than 5 hours, and if the current is 3 amps, it will last longer than 20 hours. The rate of discharge is often referred to in terms of the C-rate which may be expressed in several ways. 1C, C or C1 are numerically the same as the rated capacity, e.g. a 500 mA Nicad cell supplying 500 mA, which may be expressed as C, 1C or C1 continuously will be discharged in approximately 1 hour. If the cell supplies current at a reduced rate, 0.5 C, 0.5 C1, or C/2, i.e. 250 mA, it will last approximately 125 minutes. The subscript, e.g. C5, indicates the hourly discharge rate.

The terminal voltage at which a cell is considered discharged also varies with the discharge rate; a lead acid cell discharged at 1C is considered to be discharged when the terminal voltage falls to 1.75 V. At C10 the cell is considered to be discharged at 1.85 V.

The capacity of a battery or cell may also be specified at a given ambient temperature, usually 20æC. Lower temperatures reduce the effective capacity and maximum current off-take, higher temperatures increase them slightly.

For radio use battery duration may be quoted in terms of standby, receive and talk time. The duty cycle obviously varies from user to

236 user but a useful standard for a radio-telephone is 90% standby, 5% receive and 5% transmit. On an open channel PMR system, 80%/15%/5% is more typical. Measuring the current drains during these activities enables the battery requirements to be calculated.

21.1.2 Internal resistance

The maximum instantaneous current which a battery can deliver is determined by its internal resistance. In this respect a battery behaves like any other generator (see Section 21.3.2), where increasing load currents produce an increasing voltage drop across the internal resistance. The internal resistance of a battery is seldom specified, but for a battery in good condition it is extremely low (one quoted figure is 15 m for a fully charged 500 mAh Nicad cell) and the voltage drop in the connecting leads will govern the maximum withdrawable current. Equally, the resistance of the meter used will affect the measurement of charge or discharge currents. If using an analogue meter, the older low resistance types are preferable (I keep a model 40 Avometer, 0.03 int. res. on 12 amp range, for the purpose). Low current-rating fuses also present a resistance higher than that of a battery (4 measured for a 250 mA fuse, 0.5 for a 1 A) and, probably, the connecting leads.

21.1.3 Power:weight and volume ratios

It is the battery that now limits the size to which radio equipment can be reduced. Recent developments have increased the power to weight and power to volume ratios which are possible. Typical ratios are referred to in the sections dealing with individual battery types.

21.1.4 Recharging conditions

The initial charge rate is the current flowing through a discharged battery to replace the charge in a specified time. Unless supplied from a constant current charger the current will fall as the battery voltage rises, but as full charge is approached the charge rate is usually reduced to a trickle or finishing charge rate.

Trickle charging maintains the cells in a fully charged condition by passing a very small current through them sufficient merely to replace any self-discharge losses through leakage.

Finishing charge is a rate to which the charging current is reduced when a battery reaches about 85% of its full capacity. It is a rate at which gassing is unlikely to occur.

Float charging maintains the cell voltage at its nominal while it is supplying continuous and variable loads.