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22.1 Earth orbits

Communications satellites are required to illuminate the earth with radio signals and their orbits are chosen according to the size and location of the part of the earth’s surface they must light up.

A satellite orbiting the earth is continuously pulled by a centripetal force, in this case gravity, towards the centre of the earth. It is also pulled by centrifugal force to leave its orbit at a tangent. When these opposing forces are equal in magnitude the satellite is in a stable orbit. There is, then, for a given height (the radius of the path minus the radius of the earth, 6378 km), a velocity at which the conditions for stable orbit apply, and which determines the orbiting time.

22.1.1 Geostationary orbits

Satellites relay information from ground stations, either fixed or mobile, or between satellites. It is an advantage for some purposes, therefore, to use satellites with an orbit time identical to that of the earth so that no tracking from the ground stations is needed. Geostationary satellites have the same angular velocity as the earth making them appear to be stationary. Their height is 35 788 km and four such satellites cover the earth from latitude 81.3æN to 81.3æSasin Figure 22.1.

The disadvantages of geostationary satellites are that they are in a high earth orbit (HEO) resulting in a signal delay of 240 ms for the complete go and return path. Also they are in an equatorial orbit so that signals to the higher latitudes travel at a shallow angle to the earth’s surface rendering them unsuitable for mobile use where communications must be achieved at street level in cities.

As each satellite covers a large portion of the earth, the design of their antennas to permit repeated frequency re-use is important and antennas with small, steerable footprints have been developed for this purpose. An advantage, in addition to the lack of tracking, is that the shadowing by the earth is minimal so that solar power cells receive almost continuous illumination.

22.1.2 Elliptical orbits

A polar orbit, where the satellite follows a North/South track, provides the opportunity to survey the earth in a series of strips. The satellites

246 used for this purpose are in low each orbit (LEO) and consequently have a high velocity. Their orbit time is approximately 1.5 hours and between successive orbits the earth has rotated 22.5æ. Sixteen orbits are therefore needed to scan the earth’s surface. Until recently polar orbits were used only for optical surveillance but now several projects for radio communication are either in the early stages of installation or under development. These use a number of satellites so that for mobile communications, for instance, there is a satellite continuously in view. Tracking of these extremely fast satellites by the ground stations, which may themselves be moving, along with Doppler effect has been a major obstacle which is now being overcome.