Radio Frequency by Steve Winder and Joe Carr - HTML preview

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26.1 Fundamental constants

Constant Symbol Value −23 JK−1Boltzmann constant k 1.38062 × 10

Electron charge, proton e ±1.60219× 10−19 C charge
Electron charge-to-mass e/m 1.7588× 1011 Ckg−1 ratio
Electron mass me 9.10956× 10−31 kg
Electron radius re 2.81794× 10−15 m
Faraday constant F 9.64867× 104 C mol−1
Neutron mass mn 1.67492× 10−27 kg
Permeability of space µo 4π × 10−7 Hm−1
Permittivity of space εo 8.85419× 10−12 Fm−1
Planck constant h 6.6262× 10−34 Js
Proton mass mp 1.67251× 10−27 kg
Velocity of light c 2.99793× 108 ms−1