Radio Frequency by Steve Winder and Joe Carr - HTML preview

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26.3 Dimensions of physical properties

Length: metre [L]. Mass: kilogram [M]. Time: second [T]. Quantity of electricity: coulomb [Q]. Area: square metre [L2]. Volume: cubic metre [L3].

Velocity: metre per second

Acceleration: metre per
Force: newton
Work: joule
Power: watt
Electric current: ampere
Voltage: volt
Electric resistance: ohm
Electric conductance: siemens
Inductance: henry
Capacitance: farad
Current density: ampere per metre2
Electric field strength: volt per metre
Magnetic flux: weber
Magnetic flux density: tesla
Energy: joule
Frequency: hertz
Pressure: pascal
[LT−1] [LT−2]

[ML2T−2Q−1] [ML2T−1Q−2] [M−1L−2TQ2] [ML2Q−2]
[M−1L−2T2Q2] [L−2T−1Q]


[MLT2T−1Q−1] [MT−1Q−1]