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26.8 Useful formulae

Boolean Algebra (laws of)

Absorption: A+(A.B) = A A.(A+ B) = A

Annulment: A+ 1 = 1
A.0 = 0
Association: (A+ B)+ C = A+(B+ C)
(A.B).C = A.(B.C)
Commutation: A+ B = B+ A
A.B = B.A
Complements: A+ ¯A = 1
A.¯A = 0

De Morgan’s:












= ¯






(A.B) = ¯A+ ¯B


Distributive: A.(B+ C) =(A.B)+(A.C) A+(B.C) =(A+ B).(A+ C)



Double negation: A = A
Identity: A+ O = A
A.1 = A
Tautology: A.A = A
A+ A = A


The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor can be found from 0.885KAC = d


C is in picofarads,K is the dielectric constant(air = 1).A is the area of the plate in square cm andd the thickness of the dielectric. Calculation of overall capacitance with:


Parallel capacitors −C = C1 + C2+···


Series capacitors − 1 =1 +1 +···C C1 C2

Characteristic impedance



open wire






276 log 2








D= wire spacing in same units.d = wire diameter

( coaxial)Z =138 logdo ohms√(K) di whereK = dielectric constant,do = outside diameter of inner conductor,di = inside diameter of outer conductor.

Dynamic resistance

In a parallel-tuned circuit at resonance the dynamic resistance is


Rd = L =QωL = Q ohmsCr ωC

where L = inductance (henries), C = capacitance (farads), r = effective series resistance (ohms).Q =Q-value of coil, andω = 2π × frequency (hertz).

Frequency – wavelength – velocity

(See also Resonance)


The velocity of propagation of a wave is


v =fλ metres per second


wheref = frequency (hertz) andλ = wavelength (metres).

For electromagnetic waves in free space the velocity of propagationv is approximately 3× 108 m/sec, and iff is expressed in kilohertz andλ in metres

f 300 000 kilohertz f = 300 megahertz =λ λ




λ 300 000 metres λ = 300 metres =f f


f in kilohertz f in megahertz


The impedance of a circuit comprising inductance, capacitance and resistance in series is








2 + ωL−1 2 ωC


where R = resistance (ohms), ω = 2π × frequency (hertz). L = inductance (henries), andC = capacitance (farads).


Single layer coils




in microhenries






a2N29a + 10l approximately


If the desired inductance is known, the number of turns required may be determined by the formula


î ù






5Lð1+ 1+ 0.36n2a3


na2 Lû

where N = number of turns,a = radius of coil in inches,n = number of turns per inch.L = inductance in microhenries (µH) andl = length of coil in inches.

Calculation of overall inductance with:


Series inductors −L = L1 + L2+···


Parallel inductors −1 =1 +1 +···L L1 L2

Meter conversions

Increasing range of ammeters or milliammeters
Current range of meter can be increased by connecting a shunt resistance across meter terminals. IfRm is the resistance of the meter;Rs the value of the shunt resistance andn the number of times it is wished to multiply the scale reading, then







Rm (n− 1)

Increasing range of voltmeters
Voltage range of meter can be increased by connecting resistance in series with it. If this series resistance isRs andRm andn as before, thenRs =Rm ×(n− 1).

Negative feedback

Voltage feedback


Gain with feedback



A 1+Ab whereA is the original gain of the amplifier section over which feedback is applied (including the output transformer if included) andb is the fraction of the output voltage fed back.

Distortion with feedback d approximately =1+Ab


whered is the original distortion of the amplifier.

Ohm’s Law

V VI = RV =IR R =I


whereI = current (amperes),V = voltage (volts), andR = resistance (ohms).


In a d.c. circuit the power developed is given by




W2R watts =VI =V =IR


whereV = voltage (volts),I = current (amperes), andR = resistance (ohms).

Power ratio





10 log


P1 P2 whereP = ratio in decibels,P1 andP2 are the two power levels.


TheQ value of an inductance is given by


ωLQ = R

Radio horizon distance

The radio horizon at VHF/UHF and up is approximately 15% further than the optical horizon. Several equations are used in calculating the distance. IfD is the distance to the radio horizon, andH is the antenna height, then:

DH =k


1. WhenD is in statute miles (5280 feet) andH in feet, thenK =

1 .42.
2. WhenD is in nautical miles (6000 feet) andH in feet, thenK =
3. WhenD is in kilometres andH is in metres, thenK = 4.12.


The reactance of an inductor and a capacitor respectively is given by


XL =ωL ohms XC =1 ohmsωC


where ω = 2π × frequency (hertz), L = inductance (henries), and C = capacitance (farads).


The total resistance of an inductance and a capacitance in series isXL −XC.


Calculation of overall resistance with: Series resistors −R = R1 + R2+··· Parallel resistors − 1 =1 +1 +···R R1 R2


The resonant frequency of a tuned circuit is given by


1 f =LC hertz


whereL = inductance (henries), andC = capacitance (farads). IfL is in microhenries (µH) andC is picofarads, this becomes






f =2π√LC kilohertz


The basic formula can be rearranged


1 1 L =4π2f 2C henries C =4π2fL farads Since 2πf is commonly represented byω, these expressions can be written


1 1 L =ω2C henries C =ω2L farads

Time constant

For a combination of inductance and resistance in series the time constant (i.e. the time required for the current to reach 63% of its final value) is given by

τ =L secondsR


whereL = inductance (henries), andR = resistance (ohms).

For a combination of capacitance and resistance in series the time constant (i.e. the time required for the voltage across the capacitance to reach 63% of its final value) is given by

τ =CR seconds whereC = capacitance (farads), andR = resistance (ohms).

Transformer ratios

The ratio of a transformer refers to the ratio of the number of turns in one winding to the number of turns in the other winding. To avoid confusion it is always desirable to state in which sense the ratio is being expressed: e.g. the ‘primary-to-secondary’ rationp/ns. The turns ratio is related to the impedance ratio thus

np Zp ns Zs

where np = number of primary turns,ns = number of secondary turns, Zp = impedance of primary (ohms), andZs = impedance of secondary (ohms).

Wattage rating

If resistance and current values are known,


W =I2R whenI is in amperes or milliamps2 W = 1 000 000 ×R If wattage rating and value of resistance are known, the safe current for the resistor can be calculated from












Wavelength of tuned circuit

Formula for the wavelength in metres of a tuned oscillatory circuit is: 1885LC,whereL = inductance in microhenries andC = capacitance in microfarads.