Radio Frequency by Steve Winder and Joe Carr - HTML preview

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Abbreviations, 307
Absorption, 7, 159
Activity, 100
Adaptive Differential Pulse Code

Modulation (ADPCM), 181 Adjacent channel selectivity, 156 Ageing, 99
AM broadcast station classes (USA),

AM splash, 114
AM transmitter, 143
Ampere-hour, 325
Ampere’s rule, 325
Ampere’s theorem, 325
Amplitude Modulation (AM), 113 Amplitude modulation transmitters,

Amplitude modulation, 113
Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK),

Analogue modulation, 113
Analogue signals, 110
Analogue to Digital Converter

(ADC), 179
Angle modulated transmitters, 145 Angle modulation, 117
Antenna characteristics, 52
Antenna gain, 52, 67, 159
Antenna placement, 66, 214
Antenna radiation angle, 52
Antenna types, 52
Antenna, dummy, 232
Antennas, 52
Aperture, 55
Assembly of connectors, 260
AT-cut crystal, 95
Atmospheric attenuation, 6
Atmospheric conditions, 164
Atmospheric losses, 6
Atmospheric noise, 11
Attenuation, 103
Audible frequency range, 110 Audio connectors, 256
Audio frequency response, 156 Audio output, 156
Aurora propagation, 23
Auto-acknowledgement, 185
Automatic Gain Control (AGC), 149 Axial mode helix, 71

Back-scatter, 19
Balanced line hybrids, 36
Balanced modulator, 116, 122 BALUN, 44
Bandpass circuit, 81
Bandwidth (BW), 52, 110, 135 Bandwidth requirements, 110, 125 Base band lines, 36
Base band, 110
Base bandwidth, 110
Base station antennas, 61, 215 Batteries, 236
Baud rate, 110
Baying antennas, 65
BBC VHF test tone transmissions,

Beam-width, 65
Bessel functions, 118
Binary amplitude shift keying

(BASK), 125
Binary decibel values, 34
Binary FFSK, 126
Binary phase shift keying, 128 Binary signal rate, 110
Bit rate, 110
Block encryption, 169
Blocking, 156
Bluetooth, 301
Boolean algebra, 327
Broadcasting, 281
Broadside array, 58
BT-cut crystal, 95
Bulk acoustic wave, 105
Bulk delay, 105

Caesium frequency standard, 93 Camera connectors, 257
Candela, 325
Capacitance, 58, 79, 328


Capacitance, coaxial cable, 50 Capacitive reactance, 79
Capacitor colour code, 334
Capacitor letter code, 336
Capacity, cell, 236
Capture area, 55
Cell characteristics, 239
Cellular telephones, 208
Centre frequency, 103
Centronics interface, 276
Ceramic filter, 102
Ceramic resonator, 105
Channel capacity, 112, 200
Characteristic impedance, 37, 328 Characteristics of UHF TV, 288 Cipher text, 167
Circuit condition, 102
Circular polarization, 54
Circulator, 224
Class-A stations, 295
Class-B stations, 295
Class-C stations, 295
Class-D stations, 295
Classes of radio station, 139
Coaxial cable capacitance, 50 Coaxial cable cut-off frequencies, 50 Coaxial cable, 48
Coaxial cable, types, 39, 48
Coaxial connector, 258
Co-channel interference, 61
Code Division Multiple Access

(CDMA), 129, 172, 177, 212

Code Excited Linear Prediction (CELP), 181
Co-linear antennas, 62
Colour codes, 334
Colpitt’s oscillators, 85
Common base-station control, 186
Communications by satellite link, 248
Conical antenna, 65
Connectors, 256
Constant-current automatic charging, 243
Continuous wave, 129
Cordless Telephony, 206
Coulomb, 325
Coulomb’s law, 325
Coupled bandpass circuits, 81
Critical coupling, 83
Critical frequency, 16
Cross modulation, 156 Cross polarization, 54
Cryptographic channel, 167 Crystal case styles, 101 Crystal filter, 102
Crystal oscillator, 87, 90

Data Communications Equipment (DCE), 269
Data encryption, 169
Data over GSM, 210
Data Terminating Equipment (DTE), 268
dB to any ratio conversion, 33
DB, 25
dBa, 31
dBa0, 31
dBd, 31
dBi, 31
dBm to watts conversion, 33
dBm, 31
dBm0, 32
dBm0p, 32
dBmp, 32
dBr, 32
dBrn, 33
dBrnc, 33
dBrnc0, 33
DBS transmission, 248
dBu, 33
dBuV, 31
dBV, 33
dBW, 33
DCE, 269
Decibel glossary, 31
Decibel scale, 25
Decibel, 325
Decibels referred to absolute values, 25
Decimal multipliers, 327
De-emphasis, 121
Density inversion, 160
Depth of modulation (AM), 113
Desensitisation, 156
Designation of radio emissions, 134
Deviation (FM), 117
Deviation ratio, 118
Differential delay, 104
Differential phase shift keying, 128
Differential phase, 104
Diffraction, 9, 160
Digital European Cordless
Telephone (DECT), 207
Digital modulation, 123
Digital multiplexing, 174
Digital signalling, 195, 197
Digital signals, 110
Digitally coded squelch, 197
DIN standards, 256
Dipole antenna, 5, 55
Dipole, 53, 56, 63
Direct Broadcasting Satellite, 248
Direct digital synthesis, 93
Direct wave, 163
Direction of propagation, 46
Directional array, 58
Directivity, 52, 62
Directors, 62
Discone antenna, 65
Distortion, 230
Doppler effect, 12
Doppler frequency shift, 12
Double sideband amplitude
modulation (DSB), 113
Double sideband suppressed carrier (DSBSC), 115, 122
Doublet antenna, 5
Drive level linearity, 105
Drive level stability, 105
Drive level, 102
DTE, 268
Dual modulus pre-scaler, 92
Ducting, 20, 160
Duplex separation, 156, 173
Duplex, 173, 184
Dynamic resistance, 81, 329

E1 multiplex, 176
Earth conductivity, 218
Earth orbits, 246
Effective height, 53, 58, 77 Effective length, 53
Effective parallel resistance, 100 Effective radiated power, 53 Effective series resistance, 100 Efficiency, 53
EIA, 274
Electric field, 3, 54, 106
Electrical relationships, 323 Electromagnetic wave, 2 Elliptical orbit, 246
Encryption key, 169
Encryption, 167
End-fed dipole, 61
End-fire array, 58
E-plane, 3, 54
Equivalent circuit (crystal), 95 Erlangs, 200

Farad, 80, 326
Far-field, 74
Fast frequency shift keying (FFSK),

126, 197
Field strength, 73
Filter, 102
Five-tone signalling, 196
Flat loss, 103
FM broadcast frequencies (USA),

FM transmitter, 145
FM, 117
Folded dipole, 61
Forward gain, 69
Forward scatter, 19
Fractional bandwidth, 103
Fr-cut crystal, 95
Free space loss, 6
Frequency band table, 2
Frequency designations, 2, 134 Frequency Division Duplex (FDD), 173
Frequency Division Multiplex (FDM), 122, 173
Frequency modulation deviation, 117
Frequency modulation, 117
Frequency planning, 132
Frequency response, 109
Frequency shift keying, 125
Frequency stability, 89, 98, 102 Frequency synthesizer, 89
Frequency tolerance, 102
Frequency, 1, 102, 232, 329
Fresnel zone, 160
Friis noise equation, 154
Front-to-back ratio, 54, 69
Fundamental constants, 323
Fundamental frequency, 87, 112 Fundamental units, 324
Gain, 4, 25
Gas-filled line, 48
Gaussian minimum phase shift keying (GMSK), 126
General frequency allocations, 135 Geostationary orbits, 246
Global positioning system (GPS), 252
Global System for Mobile
communications (GSM), 102, 209
Grade of service, 201
Gray coding, 124
Great Circle Bearings, 302
Great circle path, 22
Great circle, 302
Greek alphabet, 325
Grey line propagation, 23
Ground plane antenna, 57
Ground wave, 13
Group delay, 104
Grover equation, 77
In band intermodulation distortion, 105
In band signalling, 195
Inductance, 79, 329
Industrial Scientific and Medical (ISM) band, 301
Insertion loss, 38, 103
Insertion phase, 104
Instrumentation, 229
Interfaces, 256, 268
Interfering waves, 113, 221
Intermediate frequency (IF), 149 Intermodulation, 222
Internal resistance, 237
International planning, 132
International Telecommunications Union (ITU), 132
Intersymbol interference, 127 Inverted speech, 168
Inverted-L antenna, 57
Ionised layers, 15
Ionosphere, 15
Isolator, 224
Isotropic radiator, 3

Half-power beam width, 52 Hand-portable antenna, 68 Hard-line, 48
Hartley oscillators, 85
Hartley-Shannon theorem, 112 Helical antenna, 68
Helical line, 48
Henry, 80, 326
HF band, 2, 136
High earth orbit (HEO), 246 High frequency, 2
Holder style, 102
Homodyne, 151
H-plane, 3, 54
Human voices, 156
Huygen’s principle, 9

IEEE802.11b, 301
IF amplifier, 151
IF bandwidth, 149
Image frequency, 149
Impedance at resonance, 330 Impedance matching, 35 Impedance of free space, 4 Impedance, 54, 104, 329 Impulse response, 109
J.M.E. Baudot, 110 Joule, 326
Joule’s law, 326

K-factor, 20, 82, 161 Kilovolt-ampere, 326 Kilowatt, 326

Lead acid batteries, 242
LF, 2, 135
License-free bands, 301
Light, velocity, 323, 327 Link planning, 165
Lithium battery, 238 Load capacitance, 99 Load impedance, 104 Location, 255
Log-periodic antenna, 60 Loop antennas, 73
Loop filter, 90
Loop inductance, 77 Loss, 25
Low profile antennas, 67
Lower sideband, 113
Low-pass (Gaussian) filter, 124 Lumen, 326

MAC format, 248
Magnetic field, 3
Manchester encoding, 124
Mark, 111
M-ary FSK, 127
Matched line loss, 47
Maximum input level, 105
Maximum usable frequency (MUF),

Medium frequency (MF), 2, 135 Memory effect (NiCad batteries),

Meteor ion trail, 19
Methods of coupling, 83
Metre conversion, 330
Mho, 326
Microwave antennas, 69
Microwave communications, 159 Microwave frequencies, 159
Minimum frequency shift keying

(MFSK), 126
Mismatch, 35
Mobile antennas, 65
Mobile data transmission, 210 Mobile radio, 183, 205
MODEM connector, 271
Modulation depth, 113
Modulation index, 117
Modulation, 112
Motorcycle antenna, 67
Mounting, 102
MPT-1317, 127
MPT-1326, 88
MPT-1362, 67
MSF Rugby, 283
Multi-coupling, 225
Multipath propagation, 10
Multiplexing (analogue), 173 Multiplexing (digital), 174
Mutual inductance, 81

Narrow band FM, 127 National planning, 132 Near-field, 74
Negative feedback, 330
Newton, 326
Ni-cad, 243
Nickel cadmium batteries, 243 Noise factor, 47, 152
Noise figure, 47, 151
Noise in cascade amplifiers, 154 Noise temperature, 152
Noise voltage, 11
Noise, 11
Non-chargeable batteries, 238 Non-reciprocal direction, 23
Number code, 336
Numerically controlled oscillator, 93

Ohm, 327
Ohm’s law, 326
Omni-directional normal mode

helix, 71

Omni-directional radiation pattern, 61
Omni-directional, 71
On-off keying, 125
Oscillator frequency, 85
Oscillator requirements, 85
Oscillators, 85
Out-of-band intermodulation distortion, 105
Overtone crystals, 88
Overtone frequency, 88, 100
Overtone oscillator, 88

Paging, 205
PAL signals, 248
Parallel resonance, 80
Parallel resonant circuits, 80, 96 Pascal, 326
Passband, 103
Patterson equation, 77
Peak envelope power, 117
Personal Communication System,

Phase comparator, 90
Phase linearity, 104
Phase locked loops, 90
Phase modulated transmitters, 120 Phase modulation, 120
Phase shift keying (PSK), 128 Physical properties, 324
Piezoelectric devices, 95, 105 Piezoelectric effect, 95, 105
Pilot carrier, 117
Pilot tone, 122
Plain text, 167
Polarisation, 4, 54
Polarised, 4
Potential difference, 75
Power in unmodulated carrier, 114 Power output, 143
Power ratio, 237, 331
Power relationships AM wave, 114 Power supplies, 226, 236
Power, 114, 231, 331
Power-Volume ratio, 237
Power-Weight ratio, 237
Pre-emphasis, 121
Pre-scaler, 92
Primary batteries, 238
Privacy, 167
Private Mobile Radio (PMR), 183,

Programmable equipment, 91, 157 Programmable read only memory

(PROM), 157
Propagation velocity, 1, 106, 323 Propagation, 3, 159
Propagation, direction of, 3
Propagation, methods of, 13
Pseudo-noise generation, 131
Public Access Mobile Radio

(PAMR), 202
Pull-ability, 99
Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM),



Pulse Code Modulation (PCM), 179

Q (figure of merit), 81, 100, 331 Q factor, 81
Quadrature phase shift keying

(QPSK), 116
Quarter wave section, 57
Quartz crystal characteristics, 97 Quartz crystal oscillator, 87 Quartz crystal, 87, 95
Quartz filter, 102
Radiation resistance, 53
Radiation, 3, 67
Radiator, 56–63
Radio equipment, 143
Radio frequency lines, 37
Radio frequency spectrum, 1, 139 Radio horizon, 8, 331
Radio Investigation Service, 134 Radio station classes, 139
Radio waves, formation, 3
Radio-communications Agency

(RA), 133
Reactance of capacitors, 332 Reactance of inductors, 332 Reactance, 332
Receive aperture, 55
Receiver functions, 148
Receiver specifications, 156 Receiver voting, 187
Receiver, types of, 148
Rechargeable batteries, 226, 242 Recharging conditions, 237 Reflected component, 163
Reflected wave, 161
Reflection, 9, 160
Reflectors, 62
Refraction modes, 20
Refraction, 8
Refractive index, 8
Regional planning, 132
Regulation of radio, 132
Resistor colour code, 334
Resistor digit code, 336
Resistor letter code, 336
Resonance, 332
Resonant circuits, 79
Resonant frequency, 80, 97 Response of coupled circuits, 83 RF cable, 39
RF transformer, 44
Rhombic antenna, 59
Ripple, 103
RMS, 230
RS-232C, 274
RS-449 275
Rubidium frequency standard, 93

Radiation lobe, 52, 67 Radiation pattern, 55, 67 Safety, 69, 217
Sampling rate, 179
Satellite communications, 246 Satellite television formats, 248 Satellite television, 248
SAW filter, 105
SCART (BS-6552), 258
Scatter propagation modes, 19, 23 Scatter, 19
Scrambling, 168
Selective calling, 185
Sensitivity, 156
Series resonant (crystal), 87
Series resonant circuits, 79
Shape factor, 104
Side scatter, 19
Sideband, 113, 118
Signalling channel, 176–7, 194 Signal-to-noise ratio, 152–6
Simplex, 183
SINAD, 230
Single sideband AM wave, 114 Single sideband suppressed carrier,

114, 115–7
Skip distance, 16
Sky wave propagation, 15
Slot antenna, 64
Small loop antenna patterns, 75 Small loop antenna, 72
Small loop geometry, 74
Sound velocity, 327
Source impedance, 104
Space (digital signal), 111
Space wave propagation, 16
Space wave, 16
Specification of quartz crystals, 101 Spectrum, 2, 233
Speech encryption, 168
Speed of light, 327
Sporadic E-layer reflections, 16 Spread spectrum transmission, 129 Spread spectrum, 172
Spreading code, 177
Spurious attenuation, 104
Spurious response attenuation, 156 Spurious responses, 100
Squelch, 197
Stability, 98
Stacking antennas, 65
Standard frequency formats, 283 Standard frequency transmissions,

Standard test tone, 165
Standard time transmissions, 281 Standard units, 325

Stereo radio modulation scheme, 121
Stopband performance, 104
Stopband, 103
Stream encryption, 169
Sub-audio signalling, 194
Sub-refraction, 21
Super refraction, 20
Switching bandwidth, 156
Symbols, 313
Synchronisation, 176–7, 180
Synchronous encryption, 171

T1 multiplex, 176
Television channels (USA), 299 Television connectors, 257
Temperature coefficient, 86, 98 Temperature compensation, 86 Temperature range, 102
Tesla, 327
Thermal noise, 11
Time constant, 333
Time division multiplex (TDM), 174 Total line loss, 47
Transducer, 108
Trans-European Trunked Radio

(TETRA), 208
Transformer ratios, 333
Transition band, 104
Transmission line considerations, 47 Transmission line filters, 44
Transmission line noise, 49
Transmission lines, 35
Transmission quality, 164
Transmitter specifications, 147 Transmitter, FM, 146
Transmitters, angle modulated, 145 Transmitters, phase modulated, 147 Transmitters143
Transverse electric, 46
Transverse electromagnetic wave, 46 Transverse magnetic, 47
Trickle charge current, 242
Trickle charging, 242
Tropospheric scatter, 18
Trunked radio, 202, 207
Trunking, 201
Tuned radio frequency (TRF), 148 Tuned resonant circuits, 79
TV channels (Australia), 292
TV channels (New Zealand), 292 TV channels (Republic of Ireland),

TV channels (South Africa), 292 TV channels (UK), 291
TV channels (USA), 293

UHF, 2, 61, 67, 138, 183 UK, 625-line TV system, 289 UK broadcasting band, 284 Unipole antenna, 61
Unweighted transducer, 109 Upper sideband, 113

Voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR), 42, 55, 221
Volt-ampere, 327

Watt, 327
Wattage rating, 333
Wave-guide, 45
Wavelength of tuned circuit, 334 Wavelength, 1, 107, 329
Weber, 327
Wide-area coverage, 187
World Administrative Radio

Conference, 132

Varicap diode, 89
Velocity of sound, 329
Vertical (H) plane, 4
Very low frequency, 2
VHF, 2, 18, 61, 68, 138, 183 Video recorder connectors,

Virtual height, 16
VLF, 2, 135
Volt, 327
Voltage controlled oscillators

(VCO), 89


X-cut crystal, 95


Yagi array, 62, 69, 294 Y-cut crystal, 95


Z-cut crystal, 95


Zero transmission reference point,

Zero-IF receiver, 151
Zulu time, 303

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