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12.3 Data encryption

Digital data may be encrypted by changing the digits, perhaps adding superfluous digits, and transmitting the resultant cipher message either in blocks of a fixed size or as a stream.

Block encryption treats the blocks in the same way as in the encryption of speech, with different keys being used for each block – or each character – and the blocks re-distributed in time.

Stream encryption has no fixed block size and each plain text bit, Mi, is encrypted with the ith element, Ki, of a pseudo-random, sometimes called pseudo-noise (PN), key.

Figure 12.3 shows two methods of generating pseudo-random keys or pseudo-noise. The first, Figure 12.3(a), operates as follows. At each clock pulse the contents of the pre-loaded four-stage shift register are stepped forward from left to right. Immediately after the shift, the output bit is fed back into the 1st and 2nd stages. It introduces a new bit into stage 1, and is added by modulo 2 addition to the new content of stage 2, producing a new set of contents. The initial loading of 1100 emerges as a pseudo-random 15 bit sequence which then repeats. The periodicity of the sequence is given by:

Sequence length, characters= 2N − 1


where N = the number of stages in the shift register.


Clock 11 0 0PN code 100001111010100 (a) Digits (Read from right to left)
Clock PN code
12 N CipherStages Modulo 2text ++ (excl. OR)
(b) Plain text bits
Code length = 2N− 1
e.g. N= 5, length = 31 characters Figure 12.3 Pseudo-noise (PN) generation

For a four-stage register, therefore, the sequence repeats after 15 bits and is shown in Figure 12.3(a).
A more commonly used method combines the outputs of two or more of the earlier stages in a modulo 2 adder and feeds the result back to the input of the register as in Figure 12.3(b).
To form the cipher text the resultant pseudo-random key is mixed with the original data message in a second modulo 2 adder. If the clock rate for the shift register is the same as the bit rate of the plain text message, the plain text bits are exchanged for those of the modulo 2 sum, but if the shift register runs faster than the plain text bit rate, additional bits are added into the cipher text. This is more common and extends the time taken by a cryptanalyst to estimate the message. The price to be paid for the improved security is either a slower effective bit rate for the message or a higher overall bit rate and hence an increased bandwidth requirement.
Mixing the cipher text with the output from an identical PN generator in the receiver recovers the original text.

Modulo 2 addition

A modulo 2 adder is an exclusive-OR gate which produces a logic 1 output whenever either of the inputs is at logic 1 and the other is at logic 0. When both inputs are identical, the exclusive-OR gate produces a logic 0 output.
The truth table for an exclusive-OR gate is:

Input Output AB Y

00 0
01 1
10 1
11 0

Modulo addition is not limited to two inputs. Any quantity of binary numbers may be added: if there is an odd number of logic 1s in a column, the adder produces a logic 1 output, if an even number, i.e. no remainder in the binary addition, the output is logic 0.

Synchronous encryption

The key is generated independently of the message from a previously loaded register. If a character is lost during transmission of a synchronous text, resynchronization of transmitter and receiver key generators is necessary before transmission can continue.

Self-synchronous encryption

The key for each character is derived from a fixed number of previous characters of the plain text message. For example, the shift register is pre-loaded with the plain text characters so that in a four-stage register the key used for encrypting the 4th character will be the 4th previous message character. If a self-synchronized transmission loses a character, the system automatically re-synchronizes the same number of characters (in this case four) later.

Written messages may be encrypted using one of the classical mechanical methods of rearrangement of the letters before digital encryption.

When sufficient RF channels exist frequency hopping is a further possibility, and the spread spectrum technique, where the signal energy is spread over a very wide band of frequencies, not only offers very high security but also makes detection of the signal difficult. The shift register techniques described above are also used for generation of the frequency hopping sequence and the spreading of the base band frequencies.