Rise From the Bottom to Profits by Leonard Sotelo - HTML preview

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Chapter 9

Online Journey.

When it comes to online entrepreneurship, whichever business you decide on doingaffiliate marketing, e-commerce, and the list goes on no matter what you will need traffic. If you were just getting started find out what niche you want to be promoting in. Go to Google trends to see what is popular.

Remember you are building a business so you will want to have an opt in page. Gather names and emails, if they buy great but if they do not buy you can market to them later. The product you are marketing/Promoting you were going to want to go find where are those people hang out. If you want organic traffic you can go to forums I will be placing your bonuses at the end of this book.

After you create your landing page start throwing youre hooks out into the Internet. Let me give you an example if youre marking to make money online you want to find the best products to promote to those potential prospects/customers just make sure you narrow it down because you can pick entrepreneurship but there are many different types of businesses in that niche.

Once you have those leads in you system give them a story some marketers call it the Seinfeld story. Come up with something entertaining. You can send it out through broadcast or set it up in your auto responder. At the end of each email make the story end with what now type of ending now they have to wait for the next one. Kind of like a TV show keep the mind pondering waiting for the next episode.

I just want to give a few examples whatever niche you are working in just narrow it down to the specific so you can get better targeted traffic. Like I mentioned before I have had a lot of mess-ups and I want to be honest and share them with you so you can have more of a smoother journey.

Keep in mind organic traffic can be slow unless you find that site were your promotion is trending and is in demand, so you will be spending time on this. Its good to find that site that has high traffic going to it and loading your business with prospects and customers who are interested and you can solve their problem.

If you want fast traffic it does have a price. There are plenty vendors who