I am adding a list of websites with high traffic, and authority. I assure you that I am NOT affiliated with any of these sites I do not make any commissions. I will also provide you with sites for free or paid advertisements.
The List Of High Traffic.
https:/ news.ycombinator.com/newcomments
http:/ offers.jvnotifypro.com/orders/basic_vs_vip_comparison/
https:/ www.matthewwoodward.co.uk/
https:/ weheartit.com/ blog posting
https:/ www.smashingmagazine.com/
https:/ www.webtalk.co/o invitation only
Social media
https:/ wn.com/Social_post/.Post
http:/ photoshoptutorials.com/ blog posting
https:/ greatescapepublishing.com/program/travel-writing/
Blog posting
https:/ www.cracked.com/ blog posting on entertainment
https:/ teamtreehouse.com/ freelancing and coding
https:/ tutsplus.com/ programing tutsplusvector
https:/ writenaked.net/ For writers
https:/ internationalliving.com/ travel
https:/ www.sitepoint.com/ articles on programing
https:/ www.metroparent.com/ parenting.
https:/ alistapart.com/ Internet related
https:/ payhip.com/ to sell ebooks