Rise From the Bottom to Profits by Leonard Sotelo - HTML preview

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Chapter 13

Entrepreneurs Visions.

I mentioned this book is about entrepreneurship, when I decided to make my investing in myself and I hope you are deciding to precede your own path opening your visions. We should all be focused on one thing at a time! What do you do when you feel your years are counting!

I took this in consideration maybe it wasnt the brightest thing to do as I learned online business and all that I discussed in previous chapters. Pondering on what is going to be around for a long time as a kid I use to play monopoly. I wanted to learn how real estate investing works. Long story short I found Renatus many great instructors.

While reading a few books in the past, Renatus goes into depth on how real estate investing works. All courses are updated when there is a new strategy or some kind of update. Just like any education investment you have to do your due diligence and ask questions.

Many people say you can find everything on Google. I have tried to find what Renatus teaches and to be honest if you dont know what you are looking for you can spend a real long time and still not find what Renatus offers, its an all in one real estate investing school.

I started from scratch this education was needed just like anything else you have to apply the knowledge to make it all work. It can suck if you are lone wolfing through this entire stage, just have to be strong while in the process. If you feel the need to reach out for help then do it.

The reason for making investments in education is to now something better for your life maybe you have kids that you want to show them that this world is full of possibilities. We all know that these days we can get education on demand, while at the gym, driving around turning our vehicles into a university on wheels.

This takes dedication and it starts in steps first you get educated and then you make moves. When I first started learning real estate investing I was focused on wholesaling there are certain formulas to do to determine the (ARV) after repair value, However I noticed when it comes to houses people have a emotional value and they want full price although the house is not worth that much.

Where I messed up at was not switching up my strategy. There a<