Rise From the Bottom to Profits by Leonard Sotelo - HTML preview

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I hope you enjoy this book, the reason why I wrote this book is because I know how it is to have fear stepping into a new world of opportunity and not have guidance. I know this pandemic has made a lot of people want to learn.

There is competition out there, it does feel good to know that you woke up or you were doing some kind of other activity and you made sales. It is possible it does take patients. Once you start noticing that you're making sales the excitement comes in and you want to scale it. That's why I added all those websites.

This business takes time, it takes work and potentially investment. There are some free strategies you can use out there but the more tools you have in your bag the easier the work will become.

I want to thank you for reading the book, and if you have any questions I will be leaving my contact information below. The best advice I have for you is that once you start, do not stop. The Internet is huge and there is so much potential out there. Keep hustling no matter what because once you stop there's always someone else who is using that time for their creation.


Reach me email. leo@lennysinbox.com