Selected Works of Nandini Goel by Nandini Goel - HTML preview

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Life is a Serendip...!!! by Nandini Goel

Life is a Serendip... !

If you are not a insipid

if you know how to enjoy it

And Anticipate to get the best of it

Never Lament

And Never think about the consequent

Try Harder and Harder to get higher

Else you'll be like a cipher

Live like a equipoise

Never get lethargi with extravagent praise

Never be Somnolent

Be Agile and Active

If you've the powers

Never Usurp

Life is a Serendip... !

If you know how to live it

Thank You


"Woken up" for my Dreams ..........The Poem by Nandini Goel.

When I saw the flock of birds fly.

When I saw the Tulips blossom on high.

When I saw the sun lighten the sky. "I could see the path".

The Omniscient showed me "the path" "I woke up for my dreams"..

"The tantalizing fragrance of Jasmine. filled my breath

And so could hear the Birds Chirp and could see the the sky lightened.

The Omniscient appeared before my eyes and whispered "Be Agile"

Gain the sagacity of the world.... And never forget to follow the path I showed you.

Be my Moses I'll be your guide..

So when the army of 1000 men is against you ...

The river will surely divide for you and your crew.

The air made me feel the Omniscient and he will surely help me to accomplish my dreams for which I woke up.

Thank you


Thinking about Rural Women

Empowerment for Women

Empowerment is a process that aims at creating the conditions for the self determination/self belief of particular people.

Today, I would like to take this article to a different direction. I know most of my readers are literate internet users. But we must understand that there is a big section of our global society who are underprivileged and may no use internet. But as concerned citizens we also need to think about them and it is important to seek measures for their upliftment and empowerment. So if we talk about women empowerment we also have to consider women living in rural areas of our society, only then we shall bring real empowerment of women on our globe.

Every Country is speaking about economic and inclusive growth, rural areas and agriculture have largely been bypassed and the ratio of rural to urban poverty has increased. The Women and girls are restricted from mobility, access to education, health facilities and experience violence at community and household levels. The situation is changing in urban areas but in comparison rural women are still facing inequality and injustice.

Women are involved in the production of 50% of food commodities consumed by our country but still women enjoy an unfavorable status in the society. Today, the emphasis is on ensuring the benefits of development in the different sectors of opportunities for women and that women must be able to function as equal partners in development process.

Women have been neglected throughout the years in every field social, culture or economic and when it comes to rural women, the negligence is in greater quantity.

In rural societies and elsewhere women empowerment is an imperative issue. For the holistic development of women an inter sectoral approach is need which will end exploitation and discrimination against women enabling them to develop their full potential.

Urban women may be more aware and empowered about their rights in comparison to rural women who have the history of living depressed life in the hands of male members.

We know that women are a nucleus of a family not only in rural areas but in urban areas too. She manages all the household and works more than 15 hours. Despite that their contribution is being ignored since generations.

Rural women are being denied of their rights and are being ignored in the family due to the following reasons:

1. Lack of Education

2. Non Access to Health Facilities

3. Perception of having lack of income generation capacities.

4. Control by Men

5. Gender Inequality

These are some suggested ways and approaches to rural women empowerment:

1. Educational Empowerment

2. Economic Empowerment

3. Social Empowerment

4. Capacity Building

We all have to break this wall of biased thinking about women in our society. United Nations has taken a step forward by declaring October15 as the World’s Rural Women Day. Women cannot be treated as one’s personal help or servant in a family.

Women can help themselves by forming “Self Help Groups” or “SHG”. Government gives loan to these SHGs and after sometime when they have enough money, they return the money back to the government. This scheme was first started in Bangladesh’s Gramin Bank.

Please do not confuse yourself about empowerment. It is just the development of self belief.

It’s not about demonstration of your power to men but it’s all about your confidence that is in the time of need you can equally participate in the welfare of your family.

In a Typical Family, Association between man and woman is an unspoken agreement between both which states that, “A Women must handle all the household work and the kids while the husband must earn for the family.”

Empowerment means that women can move confidently even in her house that they can also earn for the family. If a woman has extra time she can earn for the family by sewing clothes, selling any handmade delicacy or something she is good at.

Women should be given the right to equally participate in the decision making of the family.

She should not be dependent on her man. She must be able to handle problems on her own.

She must be treated as an individual in the family.

Women should also actively participate in the national development. Empowerment also means to remove the feeling that you are inferior to someone. Women is involved in equal labor with her man does she gets equal right as her man?

She is bound by the unspoken agreement. This should be honored by both man and woman for the harmonious existence of the society.

Thank You

Courtesy: Kurukshetra Magazine and Discussion with my group and elders.


Footsteps of Time: A poem by Nandini Goel

I have traveled so far

Won Sometimes

Lost Sometimes

Now, that I turned old

I see the footsteps of time!

Reminding me of my journey

Oh! How far I traveled

In this beautiful world!

Through the winding roads,

By the prairies,

On the pinnacles,

Besides the grand beaches

I traveled

I traveled so far

I remember all

the footsteps of time!

Some thwart

Some hurt

Though, some stood next..

Help in the journey

I remember those

By the marks on the footsteps of time!

My memories are still clear

As the footsteps of time!

Thank You