Selected Works of Nandini Goel by Nandini Goel - HTML preview

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Consumer Rights

Human is a social creature. The natural and healthy interaction among the fellow beings in the society is imperative.

Since the early civilization on earth has participated in market both as a consumer and producer throughout his life.

To maintain the peaceful and harmonious environment in the society its necessary to have strict laws.

Everyone in the society is equal and rights of every member of society should be protected.

Consumer Rights is one such measure which controls and maintains the smooth functioning of our system.

Consumer Rights help every citizen from -

1)Exploitation and false commitment through verbal or printed and online advertisement.

2)It also protects from unfair practises of sellers which include selling of inappropriate quantity or weight of goods.

3)Also it controls unfair manipulation of market by big companies.

These consumer movement not only assign rules and regulation to ensure protection to the consumer but also curbs the unethical and unfair trade practises by the seller.

In India consumer movement was formed in 1960s but only became a law in 1986 by the enactment of consumer protection act popularly known as "COPRA".

Indian government has taken initiatives to spread awareness about consumer rights among its citizens.

"Jago Grahak Jago" is one such initiative which through various mediums educate people of India about their consumer rights which also educates the people about the rightway of redressal of their grievances.

Finally I would like to say to all my friends its our duty and our right to follow consumer law to maintain healthy environment in the society.

Thank You