Selected Works of Nandini Goel by Nandini Goel - HTML preview

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My Understanding towards English and Greek Society

English and Greek society always from the beginning contained a difference of teacher and a student.

The only difference in the mind set of English society and Greek society was that Greek 's were ancient and English were same in a new package.

English society started growing early but only after Greek Society .There are many thing that English society learned from Greek society. There are some common things English society learned from Greek society.

Language - English society started making words by using the technique of Greek society.

Architecture-English society are now at the heights in achitecture but all because of teachings of Greek society.

Events -Greek society from the beginning is known the best in event management. In Todays time english society is also known for event organizing skills which was again a brain child of Greek society.

The Greek society had been achieving its goal also because of their great ideas. Hence Greeks were great thinkers.

Some of the ideas that originated from Greek society were.

*Discovery of Olympic games,So all the world came together and played together.So when you play together you stay together.

*Discovery of methods of farming , pot making etc.

*Discovery of Organised language and stitched clothes.

The Greek society had a great army, It was the first organised army and it brought weapons to the world.The Greek army became more stronger after the inventions of the weapons.

English society are considered as great thinkers which again was well studied and importance of innovative thinking came from Greek society.

In todays time English army is one of the best army in the world but again this idea of making a modern army came from looking at the ancient army built by the Greek society.

The Practices of Greek society were followed by English society that made it win in almost every fields.

So as a good teacher Greek society taught many lessons to English and English society as a good student took it respectfully.


Duties of a Citizen in the Society

A society is a place where a group of people lives. A citizen in the society plays a big role. He has a big duty. Like when the society is in a fear than the citizen has a big duty to give people support.

When the society is or becomes sad than a citizen has a big duty to make them happy.

There are some points from which we can make them happy.

We can make them happy by:

*telling them that we cannot grow being sad.

*being nice to them.

*helping them etc.

When a disaster happen in the society and the society becomes needy, a citizen has a duty to work hard for the society.

If a citizen is not treated equal in the society than a citizen has a duty to treat him equal in the society.

When the society is diverse than it’s a duty of a citizen to unite the society because a society is a place where people live being united.

Helping each other in each trouble is a duty of each citizen in the society.

Thank you.

Women Empowerment.

Today in the changing world, where women are seen as weaker gender, there should be steps taken to empower the women and discrimination upon them should be stopped.

The first and the best way to empower women is education. “Education”, it is said that “when you teach a man you only teach a man but when you teach a women you teach a generation”. Education gives knowledge. The knowledge encourages women to become self dependant and helps them to solve their own problem. Education makes women self reliant and gives power and knowledge to fight against the injustice. Wrongness can not be hidden and can be measured when we are educated. We in the society should give opportunities to the women, so that they can earn their own living. “Jobs for women” Second most effective way is to provide jobs to women and encourage them to earn their living. Men and women should share their household works and both should be treated equal in the family. Girl child should be encouraged to go to school as her brothers and should not be married before 18 years of her age. Women should be protected well in the society from the bad elements of our society. The safe environment should be made for the living of the women. It has been believed that women are very hard working. Margret Thatcher once said” if you want some thing said ask a man but if you want something done ask a woman”.

We should always remember women are a daughter, a mother, a sister, a wife in the society. She is the maker of the new generation. Women are mother of all human beings.

To encourage women our government is now getting women's right bill passed in the Indian parliament, where there will be 33% of women seat reserved in the Indian parliament.

Thank you.


Thinking is the best brain exercise. If people have not thought than today we wouldn’t be living peacefully, Every time we would be having problems. There were many big thinkers of the world. The beauty of thinkers is that they ask themselves big questions. Socrates was one of them.

Socrates lived in Athens. His father was a stone carver and her mother was a Midwife

Socrates asked himself what is wisdom? What is beauty? And what is the right thing to do? He sometimes asked others. When he understood, he started teaching young men. But he never took money. Plato was one of them.

After some time people thought that that he was teaching wrong to their young men and he was against society and their religious beliefs.

Than one day Socrates servant gave him a poisonous drink and he died.

Goodness or wrong doing can’t be seen, that is why people thought that he was against their religious belief. Socrates work was further taken by his students .

Thank You

Music … Poem by Nandini Goel

Each note of this,

If I hear....

Make feel so good,

To my ears....

Very Pleasant

Very rare...

Not built recent

but known every where....

this is Music to my ears!!

Odyssey of Mind

The long journey of mind is odyssey of mind. The Odyssey of mind results in Human thinking and questioning himself why,what, how etc.

There are some examples.

Isaac Newton was sitting ideal on a bench and he saw an apple falling down towards the earth and he discovered the famous Laws of gravity.

An early human saw a stone rolling down the hill and he got an idea for invention of wheels. etc This is a natural process . We all should know that if thinking had not taken place on earth than we would have been speaking in sign languages.

When we think on a problem we get thousand solution. We should all think about the society like Samuel Morse did . Samuel Morse invented the Morse code for blind deaf and dumb.


When we think of Society we think of our bright future.

Thank You


The birthday of lord Krishna is celebrated as Janmashtmi.

Janmashtmi is celebrated on 8th day of "Bhaado month" as per the Hindu calender. Janmashtmi in each state of India is celebrated differently from each state.

Every culture has taken its own belief and depicting the birth and the life of of Lord Krishna. Some cultures celebrate his youth and romance with Goddess Radha.Where as some cultures celebrate his naughty activities by breaking pots filled with butter, yogurt and honey tied high from the ground.

On every janmastmi temples are decorated.The traditional dances of each state is performed in the temples.The prashad is distributed at 12:00am.The milieu is pleasant on Janmashtmi days.It usually rains , the weather is very pleasant and adds to the festivity of the day. The scintillation of janmashtmi permeate around the world.

Priests and deities(people) cajole lord Krishna by offering him butter, yoghurt and other sweets favorite to him. They also cajole lord Krishna by their prayers.

Let us all pray to lord Krishna to give happiness and harmony to each one of us and make this world a better place.

Thank you.

Gurukul(Art of Living)

Gurukul were the school of Hindus. In older times there were only Gurukul but in the modern times there are many big schools built. The word Gurukul is made of Guru and kul. Guru means “Teacher” and Kul means “Extended Family”. Gurukuls were very Pleasants. Arts like archery, meditation were taught in the Gurukul. Praying to god is a good habit because meditation is the best way to live in peace. Peace is the best way to win your position in the society. Saints live in peace; they meditate and teach how to live in peace. It was believed that The “Ashirwad” or the blessing of Guru or teacher is very important to win.

A teacher or Guru is like a “Sun”, we can take light and heat from it. The heat can only be taken if we have “Ashirwad”of our teachers.

Thank you.

Education for All

Education is the key to world peace. It’s the only way to stop violence because people want to live and for that they do violence. To live we need money and education is the only way to generate income.

Children are just like plants, as for plants growth we need water, sunlight etc. like that we children need education for our growth. Primary education is must for children to make a brighter future.

Children who are orphan, rag pickers or children who sell things on streets are very poor. If they get a little bit of knowledge and than there must be no difference between children who live in homes, who get education in schools.

We should donate our books which are not in our use to poor people.

Children have many dreams but they can be only full filled if there father and mother have money, If they don’t have money to feed themselves then how would they feed their children?

We should ask people their problems and then tell our opinions to them.

Education can make a plateau back into a mountain.

Education is for every one, it’s for both poor and rich.

Birds’ Constitution

Once upon a time the flock of birds was flying in the sky. They looked for food together.

Some of them were Hindus, Some of them were Muslims, Some were Christians and some of them were Sikhs and some Jews. They always prayed together,

They all were friends and they lived together. So if it is some religion day they go to pray together.

They had one bird judge. If they had any problem they went to the judge and asked for solution.

There were some rules made by the judge.


Rule1. you have to find food together

Rule2 you have to pray together

Rule 3 Exercise every day

Rule 4 help your friends

Rule5 Share things

Rule 6 be healthy

These 6 rules everyone had to follow.


If someone did not follow the rules than he will not get home to live and he was treated as slave of REST OF THE BIRDSs. So everyone followed the rules.

Moral: Rules are made to make our life easy and must be followed.

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