The Barefoot Retirement Plan: Safely Build a Tax-Free Retirement Income Using a Little-Known 150 Year Old Proven Retirem by Doyle Shuler - HTML preview

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Chapter 10
The Solution – The Barefoot Retirement Plan


The reason we call this The Barefoot Retirement Plan is because it represents FREEDOM. Freedom to CHOOSE to do what YOU want to do, when YOU want to do it. Freedom to kick your shoes off and relax if you wish.

After a lifetime of hard work, who wants to be forced to do things you don’t want to do, because you have to do them? Barefoot symbolizes your retirement freedom and that’s what we’re all about. Helping you to structure your retirement so you'll have complete freedom when you retire to do whatever your heart desires.

Perhaps your dream is to walk barefoot on the beaches of the world. Or perhaps it’s just to slow down and do all of those things you never had the time, energy or money to do while you had your nose to the grindstone, working hard every day, getting it done. Perhaps your dream is to walk barefoot in the park with your grand kids and feel like a kid again.

You know that Ahhhh feeling you have when you get home from a long day at work… and finally get a chance to kick your shoes off and wiggle your toes? Ahhh, it feels so good. That’s the kind of feeling the Barefoot Retirement Plan can give you.

If your retirement is structured properly, you CAN have the freedom and peace of mind to enjoy your own barefoot retirement anyway you wish. We’d love to help you structure your barefoot retirement so you'll be able to kick your shoes off, wiggle your toes in the sand or the grass, take a deep breath, smile and live your life on your own terms.


Let’s continue…

I was in the process of developing an investment plan with one of the most successful investors in America. This guy developed his own system and an investment model flat out works. Over the past 19 years and after participating in over 900 million dollars’ worth of transactions, he has NEVER had a losing deal. Amazing.

This guy is VERY private and only works with a private inner circle of investors. To date, he has had a little over 700 investor participants in his deals. Get this. He has a 98% repeat participation with his investors. Yep. Some retire and ride off into the sunset. But as soon as one deal is cashed out, 98% of his investors line up to reinvest in his next deal.

He maintains a small, private group of investors, and it’s strictly “by invitation only.” You have to be invited to participate. Outsiders can’t just walk up and participate. Plus, he maintains a strict “no hassles” policy. If you give him any grief, and become a pain to deal with, you’re out. Out for good. His philosophy is, life is short. Why deal with people who aren’t a pleasure to deal with?

His bread and butter have been investing in real estate of all types. However, he is one of the most disciplined investors you’ll ever find. He only buys when the market is down, and he only sells when the market is hot. To say he is selective with the deals he chooses to participate in, is a massive understatement.

Out of every 1,000 deals his company looks at, he will usually only find 1 or 2 that meet his strict requirements. That’s why he doesn’t lose. So when he can’t find real estate deals that meet his strict criteria, he simply sits on the real estate sidelines and waits for the right market conditions before he gets back in.

While he is waiting for the right real-estate timing, he often invests in super-high quality debt deals. There’s always a market somewhere, and he only does deals that he knows will work.

He is very shy when it comes to talking about this, but he has former Presidents, who are close personal friends. He’s been on Air Force One numerous times and even served on a HUD task force for former President George Bush Senior. He does deals with some of the wealthiest families like the Hiltons, Rockefellers, Vanderbilts, Greg Norman and many others.

This guy has connections that most people only dream about. And he gets in on the same deals these guys are doing. Lucky for us, he opens them up for his inner circle of investors, and he opens them up for Barefoot Retirement clients. I only wish I would have found this guy 19 years ago. It would have saved me a ton of heartache and red ink.

It Gets Even Better: 1 + 1 = 3

So, as if this connection wasn’t good enough, as fate would have it, I happened to run into an old friend of mine at a conference I was attending in Dallas. Do you know that feeling you get when you meet and talk with someone, and you just KNOW its right? You get that feeling like it was meant to be. Well, that was exactly what it was like. This friend of mine was involved with what I believe to be the finest retirement vehicle ever created. No exaggeration, no hype. Truly, it’s that good and I’ll prove it to you! It was so good, in fact, the company that created it has patents pending on the program and has limited its use and availability only to exclusive providers.

Before I give you all the details of this amazing program, let me tell you just some of the benefits it offers. Trust me, you won’t find a better program out there, anywhere!

(Note: Variations of this program have been around for over 150 years, but our patented version of this program is less than a year-old. It uses many of the core elements of the programs used in the past, but the patent-pending innovations it has makes it many, many times better than any other similar program out there.)

Remember Joe DiMaggio’s famous quote, “It ain’t braggin’ if ya can back it up?”We can definitely back all of this up. It’s the real thing.

You're going to discover that this is the best way to stockpile cash, and build true wealth, in a completely tax-free environment!

Take a Look At Some Facts About This Amazing Program.

» Used by Presidents - John F. Kennedy, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Presidents Taft, Cleveland, McKinley, and Harding all had these types of accounts. Even Joe Biden has an account like this.

» Used by some of the Wealthiest Families in America – Walt Disney, JC Penney, Rothschild family, Rockefeller family, Ray Kroc (McDonald’s founder), Doris Christopher (Pampered Chef founder) are just some of the people who used this program to grow or save their fortunes.

» Used by some of the Largest Banks in the World – Citibank has 4.5 billion in these types of accounts, JP Morgan Chase has 9.8 billion, Wells Fargo has over 19.4 billion invested in these accounts. There are over 4,000 banks that have over 140 billion invested in these types of accounts.

» Used by some of the Largest Companies in the World – Wal-Mart, GE, Comcast, Johnson & Johnson, Harley-Davidson, Disney, Verizon, Gannett and almost 700 other Fortune 1,000 companies all have these types of accounts.

We know we’re among good company, but it gets even better.

The Barefoot Retirement Plan has all of these benefits as well.

» Tax-Free – This program provides 100% TAX-FREE income. You are protected from ALLfuture tax increases.

» No Limits to Annual Contribution Amounts -- This is huge! (Subject to qualifications.)

» No Distribution Penalties – You can take any amount of your money out, anytime you want it, at any age, for any reason, all 100% penalty free.

» No Investment Restrictions Or Prohibited Transactions – You can invest in ANYTHING you wish.

» Never Decreases in Value Due to Market Downturn – You participate in upside growth and totally eliminate downside risk! (You will sleep better.)

» No Mandatory Minimum Required Distributions – Don’t want to be forced to start taking your money out at age 70 ½? No problem. Take out what you want, when you want. You have complete control.

» Creditor Proof – If you’re ever sued or face bankruptcy, your funds may be protected, safe and sound. Creditors don’t even have the right to ask about this in most states.

» Completely PRIVATE- There is zero Government or IRS reporting required at all. None!

» Potential For Lifetime, Tax-Free Income – When structured and funded properly, this program can pay you for life, tax-free. We can show you how.

» Leverage or Double Dipping – This is the best part of the program. You have the option to earn a zero to 17% return each year, (depending on market index performance), and while still earning that return, you can choose to take those same funds and invest them in other areas, giving you the potential to earn a DOUBLE return on the exact same money! More on this in a moment.

» Backed and Protected by the Government – Even though this is the single best way to legally avoid paying taxes, this program is protected by its own section in the tax code. Government officials, politicians, bureaucrats and even Presidents have used this method to protect their own money from taxes.

WOW! Why Haven’t I Heard Of This Before?

This sounds almost too good to be true. Why haven’t I heard of this before? Well, don’t feel bad. Only about one person in several thousand has even heard of this concept before. The Government actually places tight restrictions on the advertising of these accounts, even though they’re 100% legal.

Plus, only a very, very few, specialty trained advisors are participating in our patented program and very few of them have the specialized knowledge and contacts to set up it properly and maximize its potential earning power.

In a moment, I’m going to tell you how we’re able to maximize the returns on this amazing patented retirement program and then have the option to reinvest those same funds into some of the amazing programs that my friend mentioned above, offers his insiders, and more. And…I’ll even tell you about another program with a 12% annual return that is backed by rock-solid collateral.


As you discover more about this amazing strategy, you’ll find it’s probably the best-kept secret in the entire financial industry. What we discovered was shocking. This strategy is like having your own Capital Warehouse or bank. And as you will soon see, it’s one of the SAFEST places on earth to keep your retirement funds. That’s why so many of the world’s financial elite and even the bankers are putting so much of their money in these programs today.


Yes, it’s true that some people are putting millions of dollars a year into these programs. Lucky for us, the same opportunity is available for just about any investor. In fact, if funds are tight, you can start with as little as $300 a month. This program allows you to invest like the wealthy invest, even if you’re not wealthy… yet! It doesn’t matter if you are rich, poor, young, old, married, single, healthy, unhealthy — just about anyone in American can choose to take advantage of this amazing opportunity.

The Secret Savings Account of the Rich and Corporate America

Are you concerned about the banking sector? Concerned that the 2008 stock market and banking sector crash was just a prelude to much larger things to come? You will soon discover that the retirement program I’m going to be showing you is one of the safest business and savings programs on earth.

The Barefoot Retirement Plan Revealed


The Barefoot Retirement Plan is made up of 2 parts. You can choose to participate in part 1 or in part 2. Or, if you want to really maximize your retirement options, you can participate in BOTH parts. You will see how they work together in a moment. If you choose to participate in both parts, you’ll be using the same investment principals that are usually reserved for the ultra-rich, but are now made available to average investors through this plan.

If you’re an avid Shark Tank viewer like I am, I’m sure you’ve seen Kevin O’Leary or Mr. Wonderful. Here’s one of his famous quotes, "Here's how I think of my money: As soldiers. I send them out to war every day. I want them to take prisoners and come home, so there's more of them."

If you choose to utilize both parts of this plan, you will have the opportunity to have your money work double-duty overtime for you. Your money has the ability to earn returns in two different places at one time. It’s really brilliant.
