The Barefoot Retirement Plan: Safely Build a Tax-Free Retirement Income Using a Little-Known 150 Year Old Proven Retirem by Doyle Shuler - HTML preview

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Chapter 2


I remember an old story told by Zig Ziglar many years ago about the man who was walking along the road and found a chest of gold. The man went through many trials and challenges as a result of finding the gold. In the end, he discovered that simply keeping all the gold for himself, did not make him happy and fulfilled. In the end, he was only able to find true peace and happiness when he discovered that it’s more important to share the gold with others whom you love and care about.

I’m sure many of you are like me in that, you’ve been through the school of hard knocks and real world university. Sure I’ve had some great financial wins and blessings, and I’m very grateful for them. However, I’ve also had more financial challenges and disappointments along the way than I care to remember. It’s not often that you find anything that’s so positive and potentially life-changing, as I have found with this program. As you will soon see, it really is that good!

My only regret is that I did not find this plan earlier in life. I can’t change that but I can do all that I can to share this with as many others as I can. I know that by enriching other’s lives, we enrich our own lives. That’s why we are so motivated to share this.

I’m a proud, hardworking, tax-paying, God-fearing American, and it saddens me to see that there are so many people in this great country of ours who are so unprepared and underfunded for retirement. Most of them have simply followed the rules and tried to do exactly what the “experts” have told us to do to adequately prepare for retirement. In spite of all that expert advice, best efforts and intentions, the big majority of American’s finances are not even close to where they need to be in order for them to have the kind of retirement that want.

My goal is to help as many people as possible to have the kind of retirement they desire and deserve. Hopefully, this book will open your eyes to what’s really happening and give you some great ideas and action plans that will help you make wiser retirement decisions.

Enjoy this book. Feel free to share it with others whom you care about. I wish you the barefoot retirement of your dreams.
