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Before getting back to property taxes, I will cite recent school violence: Jan., 2005 Geoffrey Canada, president of Harlem’s Children Zone, the black community’s largest children’s-advocacy group, declared that Harlem’s public schools ‘are producing children for jail,’ and ‘They’re only good at producing children who have no chance at all.’ In a Nov. 20, 2005, film the LA County sheriff on MSNBC said that 25 years go, the only weapon he carried was a flashlight. Dec. 25, 2005, Junior High students were caught counterfeiting paper money; one girl tried to pay for a cafeteria meal with a fake $20 bill. Jan. 13, 2006 school boy commits suicide.

Jan. 25, 2006 Seven-year-old boy shoots an 8-year-old girl in school. Feb. 12, 2006 NJN News, Parents in Newark and other inner city schools are afraid to send their children to school because of shootings, drugs, and bullying. Feb. 22, 2006 One student shoots another.

Mar. 26, 2006 Denzel Washington, award-winning actor, said, ‘These days, the streets are 100 times more dangerous than they were when I was growing up.’ Apr. 7, 2006 Middle School teacher accepted $1 from students to skip gym class. Apr. 7, 2006 In Winslow Township, NJ, 4 teens plotted an assassination of fellow students, teachers, administrators, and even parents. Apr. ll, 3006 It was reported on the news that there were 77 shootings in public schools from Jan. 2006 to Apr., 2006. Apr. 20, 2006-- Five students four of whom were seventh graders planned a shooting at their Kansas school. It was Columbine-style all the way down to wearing trench coats. A South Carolina teacher won a $300,000 lawsuit against her school because she was harassed by 10% of her class all day long—threw debris at her and cussed at her with racial slurs. The administration refused to help her, saying that these were underprivileged students. June 10, 2006 The news reported that 1/3 of school administrators have gang problems in their schools. The president of the senior class at a PA high school couldn’t attend his own graduation because of gang threats. July 11, 2006 Hamilton, NJ schools step up locker checks because of drugs and weapons being brought to school. Oct. 4, 2006 --Father of a boy murdered during the Columbine shootings was on TV and blamed it on the two shooters’ devotion to Evolution. They told others that they needed to rid the world of as many of the weak as possible. Oct. 9, 2006-- Student in a Joplin, MO school shot off a gun. Oct. 10, 2006-- At a Conference on School Violence in Maryland, it was revealed that 6% of school students carry weapons to school.