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There are 2 million children in America being home schooled by their parents who also pay property taxes.

The Gettysburg Address is 286 words. Government regulations on the sale of cabbage total 26,911 words.

On June 18 of this year, the late Congressman John Murtha said that we’re spending $8 billion a month on Iraq, which would be $96

billion per year. We’re spending $929.6 billion a year on just K-12 public education, almost 10 times as much..

There are 22 Right-to-Work states. This means in the other 28 states if you are a teacher you must join the union. If you positively don’t want to, you still must pay almost the full union dues because the union maintains that it represents you too.

During the 2004-2005 school year, 2,112 public schools recorded their fifth consecutive year of failure.

Recently, California tried to pass a universal daycare bill which failed. It would have provided compulsory schooling to very young children (3 or 4 years of age) through 12th grade. In the former Soviet Union, children were almost completely separated from their parents’ influence by forcing them to enter day nurseries, day-homes for school children and politically oriented youth clubs. Every free exchange of opinion and ideas was controlled and held in check. (Current Concerns, a newspaper out of Switzerland, December 1998)

Feb.26, ‘06, WABC: A 35-year-old teacher had sex with an 11-year-old boy in a South Carolina school.

March 6, ‘06, ABC News: teacher raped a four-year-old boy in a daycare center.

Apr. 14, ‘06, Fox News: Alabama teacher had sex with four different students. She tried to get one of them to kill her husband.

June 29, ‘06, ABC News: Girls 9-12 are now being vaccinated against sexually transmitted diseases that can cause cervical cancer.

Sept. 26, ‘06, WABC: An armed predator raped high school girls in a Colorado school and then killed one of them and himself.

People who prey on children go to the schools because that’s where the children are. Both male and female predators are prevalent, but the female predators make a better story.

It’s hundreds of times worse in the schools than in the Catholic churches. In the churches priests were transferred; the schools do the same because the NEA are against firing them.

Under Title X funding of the 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Planned Parenthood can use federal dollars to hand out contraceptives to children under 16 without informing their parents. Federal regulations allow Title X grant recipients and abortion providers to share the same office and staff. Planned Parenthood, a major recipient of Title X funding, is also a major abortion provider. Planned Parenthood spent $162 million in federal funds on its domestic activities in fiscal year 2001.

Feel-good trophies are being given to students for just participating in sports. No winners.

Since 9/11, defense spending has risen 47% while higher education spending has risen 133%. (from an essay by Larry P. Arnn, president of Hillsdale College)

Unemployment rate of COLLEGE GRADUATES is 2% until under Pres. Obama when it has risen sharply. Young people have always been told that a college diploma is a guarantee of great employment.

Under the Clinton Administration’s FDA, its ‘Equal Employment Opportunity Handbook’ advised that such clerical and secretarial requirements as ‘knowledge of rules of grammar’ and ‘ability to spell accurately’ should be de-emphasized when seeking to fill jobs, since those requirements may make it more difficult to attract ‘underrepresented groups or individuals with disabilities.’ There was a bizarre policy for hiring firefighters: ‘Only unqualified applicants may apply.’ (Politically Incorrect Guide) Oct. 19, ‘06: NYC unionized teachers will each receive $450 for steering business to a NY State business: Elliot Spitzer got this through for them.


Late 1990s: The White House renamed the ‘Christmas Tree’ to be ‘Holiday Tree.’

Nov. ’05: A New Jersey school banned even instrumental versions of traditional Christmas carols.

Apr. 7, ‘06: Montgomery and Arlington Counties in Maryland schools gave the students who joined the immigrant protest a grade for civic service.

The most basic cause of the decline of our schools is the substitution of social for academic goals and the lowering of standards from the earliest grades up.

The American educational system is defunct. Patty Degen, a retired public school teacher with over 40 years' experience in the classroom, has written a treatise which, in surprisingly few words, explains exactly why and what the solutions are. One would have to read many, many books to get to this educational digest. Patty, of course, over the years, has consumed all of these books and has delved into all the "secrets" which takes a lot of digging. A must-read for anyone with young children or grandchildren or for anyone considering a teaching career.