The Live Method by Ott Ojamets - HTML preview

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img42.pngFind yourself your first listening material keep in mind that it has to be on a subject that you are deeply interested in.

img42.png The key is to come up with a great keyword to use for searching. Keep in mind that the more specific the keyword is the better. For example, use specific names (peoples, companies, political parties, etc.)

img42.pngChoose the best way of finding your daily listening exercise according to your learning style. If you´re a visual learner then choose a video from If you´re an auditive or kinesthetic learner choose a podcast episode. Follow the guidelines provided above!

img42.pngStart listening on a daily basis and keep in mind the recommendations in your learning style test results. Just read them every once in a while to be sure that you´re really supporting your memory in acquiring the language.

img42.png Listen to the chosen listening exercise once a day for at least 15-20 minutes, 5-7 days in a row. Even if you´re at a really good level in the language already and you just wish to express yourself better. It doesn´t matter. Do it exactly as described and you will see great results fast!

img42.pngIf you´ve listened to a video or a podcast episode for 5-7 days then just choose a new one that is also aligned to your personal interests and start the cycle again. Always keep in mind that daily listening has the objective of creating a target- language environment in your everyday life and you don´t need to understand everything just let the language come to you.

img42.png As you start understanding the language more and more with every listening material, try to pause the audio every once in a while and imitate the sentences expressed by the speakers. This kind of imitation is very powerful and do it as soon as you understand parts of the audio well.

img42.png Try to be as consistent as possible in your daily listening. If you listen to your video just for 2-3 days a week, then your mind will not be tricked and it will understand that you´re not really in the target-language environment. Therefore, if you want to get good results then listen to the audio at least 5 times a week, because then it will have its real effect.