Make your own Mr. Tumblebuddy Flipet -
Εasy Craft Project
- a toilet paper tube
- 2 circles cut from white paper (to make the faces)
- markers
- 2 small scrap pieces of paper (or fabric, or ribbon) to make the bow-ties,
any 2 colors you like scissors, and glue
Step by step instructions
1. Press the toilet paper tube, with your palm, to form it into the shapeshown in the picture below (picture 5).
2. On the white circles, draw with your markers Mr. TumblebuddyFlipet’s two faces (Lucky Leo and Unlucky Leo).
3. On the one side of the toilet paper tube glue Lucky Leo (picture 6a).
4. Tumble and flip the toilet paper tube to its other side and glueUnlucky Leo (picture 6b).
IMPORTANT: Unlucky Leo’s face could either be glued on the lower part of the back side of the toilet paper tube (which means the face on the back side would be upside down in relation to the face on the front side) or exactly behind the face glued on the front side (in the same direction). It depends on whether you intend to tumble and flip Mr. Tumblebuddy Flipet or only flip him. Personally, I always prefer to tumble and flip him (that’s his name, after all), instead of just flipping him from front to back. Kids love that too it reminds them of Head Over Heals gym exercises they all do to show off their tumbling skills.
5. Make 2 small bowties, one for Lucky Leo and one for Unlucky Leo, from the scrap pieces of paper (fabric or ribbon) - they would look like butterflies. Glue them under the 2 circular faces you’ve already glued on the two sides of the toilet paper tube. Your magical Mr. Tumblebuddy Flipet is ready to perform for the kids. With his help, the children could now write their own interesting and imaginative stories where adventures tumble and flip.