The Magical Mr. Tumblebuddy Flipet Writes Stories by Maria Chatzi - HTML preview

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(A Model for Writing a Short Adventure Story with Mr.

Tumblebuddy Flipet)




One day, John won the lottery and bought a house.



1. The house was in the mountains, in a small and far away village.


John had a car.  So, he set out for his new home.


2. As he hadn’t been to that place before, he took the wrong road and got lost in the mountains.


He always kept a map in his car, so it wasn’t very difficult for him to getto the right road again.


3. When he was about to reach the village, the road lead to a path.  He had to leave his car and continue on foot.


Luckily, the village was not far from where he was.  He arrived before dusk.


4. When he arrived, he saw that all the village houses were old and abandoned.  There was no sign of people living there.


However, John could hear music and voices coming from the house he had bought.  Someone was expecting him.


5. It turned out that there were two ghosts, twins, living in his house, who had no intention of leaving their home to John.  They asked for a one to one fight of honor – whoever survived would keep the house.


Fortunately, John was not afraid of ghosts.  He suggested that, instead of fighting, it would be better if they got to know each other, become friends and share the house.




The twin ghosts agreed.  John was a writer and felt happy for sharing his home with the ghosts because they would give him new ideas for his Stories.