Twenty Sure Principles To Success In Any Examination by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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When I was little, cocoa beverage and milk was scarce commodity in homes. We scarcely had it in our home and when by chance it found its way in, it never lasted because we were always anxious to have it in every meal. My peers from the rich side of town had it on their dining tables and they always looked desirable and maybe more sound compare to those of us on the other side (the poor side).

A friend informed me about the benefits of taking chocolate beverages. He said that there were nutrients that the beverages contained that could help me become better than I actually was at my academics. I never believed it because I assumed it was mere adverts to draw customers by those companies producing the beverages. He said he wouldn’t mind spending his last money to get a little sachet every day.

Over time, I have come to accept it as true that taking beverages helps the brain develop. Education scientists have revealed these beverages contain certain micro and macro element that spur the development of the brain.

I talked to a set of students about taking beverages. They laughed it off giving me contextual examples of persons who take them every day and have seen no change.

If you’ve being taking the beverages and there seems to be no change, there is chance you are not opening your books.

I’m not stating that taking beverages is a condition for success and I am not concluding on that. Taking beverages has the capacity to improve your brains capacity because of the nutrient contained in it. I had watched a research carried out by some Nigerian scientists at the University of Benin in Edo state Nigeria. They managed to develop a procedure for imputing what they called micro and macro elements in the right quantity, elements such as zinc, sodium, aluminum into the brains of morons to make them normal thinking person. They succeeded at treating a number of such problems. I discovered that those elements were also available in the beverages sold around town. They concluded that dullness was because of the deficiency of some of these nutrients.

It is difficult to believe this when we look at those who afford these beverages and yet there are no corresponding changes in their performance. I observed that the problem isn’t the capacity of the brain that is very well empowered by this beverages but the underutilization of the brain.

I know the difference between not taking beverages and taking them. I have observed that it actually works. I observed that any time I took a cocoa beverage, I am always refreshed and my vitality returns. I tend to work faster and better than without it and over time I look healthier doing much work than I used to.

I noticed that companies which engage in challenging brain and energy consuming tasks give out tins of milk and cocoa powder to help their workers stay strong, healthy with high mental vitality. These gives credence to the fact that beverages could help keep the brain fresh and active.

Beverages do not displace good food but it supplements for the nutrients that may have being lost during the process of cooking our food. Again, you must understand that good food is priority to developing the brain’s capacity. We are taught to eat balanced foods i.e. foods that contain all the six classes of food. The next chapter will show you how good food is important to staying bright and brilliant. Those who actually eat right develop their brains and do very well at examinations.

What goes into our body has the capacity to completely change how fast our brain works. What you truly need is a beverage advantage.