Twenty Sure Principles To Success In Any Examination by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Every great lecturer expects his students to know much more than he does. Well, great lecturers are always working on themselves to improve and stand ahead of their students. They work so hard to pass complex information in the simplest ways for the students to understand. These lecturers are scarce though so students often come across those who are not worth the onus.

The fact that you think your lectures or teachers lack the capacity to teach you doesn’t make you less knowledgeable or as they are. You have the right to compete, challenge and beat your lecturers. Even the best can be challenged.

Students who want to do well at examinations must aim to do beyond the bars of their teachers. Their teachers are great but teachers always try to place limits on their students, I mean most. No teacher passes as much knowledge as he knows no matter how good he is in his subject matter. I learnt that the hard way.

When I was at school, I assumed my lecturers would pour everything at us. We were often advised to make jottings and listen attentively to the lecturers. It was good advice that time. However soon I observed that the advice was inadequate. When the exams arrived and we were jolted by the quality of questions that were a far cry from what the lecturers had taught, I knew my lecturers expected much more than they could offer us. I soon discovered that those of us who depended on their fairytale lectures would end up with “F”. We needed to up our game and study beyond what the lecturers offered to be even able to pass the lecturers’ examinations

My friend who spent more time at the library while we had perfect lectures from out lecturers often did better. I never understood why? I thought he was doing something else that I wasn’t doing. He always dared to leave the lectures classes and believed that he had the capacity inside him to challenge the lecturers. He was right. The time he spent at the library was more valuable than the time most of the other students spent at the lecture rooms.

You are young and have a brain that is still fresh. You don’t have to look up at your teachers for everything. They don’t have as much time and brain to study as you can and even if they have that time, they won’t study because their time is far spent. You have the capacity to challenge the lecturers and do beyond them.

There has to be a personal desire to acquire knowledge from any other resource other than your lecturers. Thank God there is variety of mediums these days; the internet, textbooks etc. Your lecturers never had the same opportunity in their time and they did as much as they did. You too have the huge capacity to do much more than they do.

Your lecturer and teachers don’t have ten heads. By the way, they expect that you will be able to pass their capacity. Even those who are money conscious expect you to know much more than you know and most fear you even know more than they do.

Strive to make the best of yourself. Your lecturer and teachers are not the standard. Make yourself the standard.