Twenty Sure Principles To Success In Any Examination by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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I’m often asked why I laugh often. I love to laugh and I’ve noticed this attribute amongst those who do well at school and pass examinations. They are always happy people who also transfer their happiness to others.

When I started at the university, I had personal problems relating with my peers. I hardly smiled and when I did, it was half baked. This threw those who should have helped me from helping me. Some told me they were scared of me while others assumed I was cunny. It was one of the reasons I had few friends that time and did not know who to meet to solve my problems.

This changed though after I leant I was going to relate with people who were going to be of help to me. My face needed to change structure and how best this change could happen but by learning to giggle or laugh as often as I could. I did not need to attend any laughing school, laughter was in me but it needed to be activated.

I did not know how I’d change from sparingly smiling to laughing audaciously. I assumed it was a difficult task to try out but I tried it because I needed to change my performance at school and outperform myself. I needed to be laughter defined.

It was difficult because I wasn’t used to it but I knew a friend who laughed regardless of his difficult situation. His situation was worse than I was and he got through life laughing it away. I watched him closely and envied him. I wished I could free my heart and open it to a happy laughing life. I knew I just needed to hang around him for some time before the lifestyle absorbs me and it did. Daniel was his name and every time I remember him, it’s because he laughed often.

How could laughing have changed my grades. It did. My classmates noticed that I was always happy and certainly happy people attract other happy persons. They came roaming around me to help them with their problems. The more problems I solved the more in position to meet other people’s needs I became. I had to take responsibility. These responsibly required that I studied more so that when my peers came around, I’d be in a position to answer their fledging questions. The questions actually came in their numbers.

Many of my friends assumed I was an authority when in the true sense, I wasn’t. I was using them as my launch pad, and propellant to enable me even study more so as to help them thereby improving myself too. I made so many friends who were dependent on me for my vast knowledge which I dished out masterly. My friends arrived from the different cadres of my course of study. Yes it improved my ego because I was proud of my feet but I was also able to find me which I sought to develop.

Sometimes my friends ask me why I laugh so often. They just didn’t know me when I wasn’t laughing. I was glad and I’m still glad today that smiling has stocked with me. These days it’s so easy even if I don’t have to study my books. I study people a lot and the best to way to have a mind open up to you is to smile and laugh often with them.

Sincerely, laughter even has healing and easing effects. When you laugh while you study, you ease the brain and let the brain function at a bit higher capacity than it would normally do. Researchers have done extensive research on laughter’s ability to trigger improved mental development and they have concluded that those who laugh often tend to do better mentally than those who don’t.

I noticed the change that occurred in my life after I took to laughing. It was huge. I jumped from being unknown in class to being amongst the top five and I could easily have beaten anyone. I attracted all sets of person, the high and the low and I was able to influence them with my new learned lifestyle.

Life is interesting especially to the man who has understood the power to laugh. It is even much more interesting to the student who knows how to read and write his examinations with that giggle on his face. Success arrives often for smiling people. If you see those flicks that denote success, you will often find the men and women smiling and laughing. Success at examinations carries the same demeanor. When success characterizes your struggle at school, you tend to smile with ease.

If you think you’ve being that happy chap but have never being successful at examinations, look again, you actually have not being seizing on your gift to make good of your studies. Happiness reflects on everything one does and very much it reflects on how you study. If you study with a happy mien, you’d come out a happy success.