Twenty Sure Principles To Success In Any Examination by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Punctuality is the soul of business. Its same with academic work. I have always observed that the best students in school are often the ones who make it to class early. They often are the ones who wait for the lecturers to arrive and if the lecturer isn’t in class, they are with their books.

I learnt being punctual from my days at primary school that it became part of me through my days at the university. I would often make the early morning class ahead of my lecturers. Some of them were strict and tough especially with time. They would never allow a student enter the class after they had entered. Some of them seized that to make students fail but some did that to encourage the students to make changes to their time keeping.

I remember I would often see my more serious colleagues either in the classroom or around the classroom block studying their way with some problem. This was always the chance to meet them and I always seized the opportunity to have them help with some of my problems.

Curriculums of many universities ensure that the only condition for students to write examinations is at least 70% attendance of lectures. Some even go ahead to declare 10% of the grades for attendance. Many times, the grade for attendance has being the saving grace for students. A student who get say 35 after writing the test and having examinations could always have the extra 10 to give him a pass if he has being punctual. I knew a couple of lecturers who took their attendance immediately they came into class just to ensure those who came after them never partook in the largesse.

Serious students don’t joke with their attendance score. However early the class, they would often be earlier. I often had lectures by 7.00 am. While this was difficult, students would often be seen around the class by 6.30 especially with a strict lecturer. My classmates who stayed far from the school community would choose to hang around the school campus till the next day just to attend the lectures and save their grades.

Being punctual requires sacrifice. You might have to miss breakfast sometimes and may have to wake early. Serious students however should form the habit of waking early.

I have this belief about early angels. I have noticed in my little school that the pupils who end up top in class always made it to school early. I’ve never seen those angels but the belief seems to work with many testimonies to that regard.

Pastors would often talk to their members about the need for them to make it to church early. You might have heard those testimonies of people who made it to church and met with angels. It’s true and the same goes for school work and every other business. Those who make it early get the early benefits.

All through my years at the university, I observed that the best students in class were always punctual and just in time for their lectures even when the lecturers seemed to lack depth with their lectures. It is inspiring to note that if you consistently take your lectures serious, it will show also in your personal study. Both work together. Even though what the lecturers say is only a guide, it is good you hear those guides, they could turn out to be the easiest route to the problems of that course. I’ve experienced that at least from the lecturers who knew their onus.

This attribute can also rob off in other areas of your life especially in the outside world where you are expected to be punctual at work or for an interview session. Many persons have lost their jobs because they were just one minute late. How about those who made it earlier? Did they have two heads? They showed they were much serious for the opportunity than the one who came latter

How serious you are for a task easily reflects in how early you turn up for it. No one needs to tell the managers you are serious. They know from the time book and this build trust and even give you a great opportunity to have doors open for even greater opportunities.

If you truly want to pass your examinations with ease, make it early to school and your lectures.