Twenty Sure Principles To Success In Any Examination by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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I walked to a colleague of mine to ask for the solution to a simple sum. I had no understanding of the mathematical sum and I knew she had solutions to the problem. I walked up to her and asked if she could help me with her knowledge. I was shocked when she replied that I was actually pretending not to know because she knew I knew the sum. She went ahead to claim I was testing if she actually knew it and that she was not going to offer me any help.

Sincerely, I did not understand the sum but I accepted that because she thinks I should have understood it, that I should have understood it. What actually she was seeing around me was the aura that I had managed to create.

I had learnt to develop a studious aura right from high school. I knew from the word go that people naturally assume I was so brilliant even when right inside me, I knew I was empty. This knowledge propelled me to want to know. I just wanted to keep to terms with what people assumed about me. If they think I know that’s alright because I should know as a matter of right.

I have noticed that those who do very well academically, I mean those who have the capacity to pass examinations actually have this aura around them that tells you there is something up there in their heads and that they can actually deliver. We often called these kind of persons bookworms. They are often around books and books are always around them.

I am always of the opinion that if we create an impression to others, chance is we are placing a benchmark for which we must shoot ahead and become what we want others to think we are. It doesn’t seem so easy for one to understand how our aura can help propel our studying capacity. I am actually of this opinion because I have noticed that there is a relationship between how we look and what we know. That’s why adverts portraying academic achievements tend to show brilliant bright faced students.

From my own experience, I had always admired those students who looked just like their books. In high school, I never had that brilliant face like I knew brilliant students had so it was easy not to be considered good enough to answer questions in class or get assignments done. I did not even expect much from myself because I guessed I was not looking like the other guys who looked just like books. I was always looking rough and ragged. The first impression one would have had about me was maybe a cultist

As I grew older however and moved into the university, I knew I needed to look serious to be considered serious. I needed to drop that weird look because all that while, it didn’t make me look like I knew and I did not court the right attention. True, I was weird and my dress sense was poor. When I assumed I knew, the initial repulsion that arrived from others would create in me the impression that I was actually nowhere amongst the class of high fliers, however hard I worked to prove myself.

Somewhere along the line, I needed to look like some serious student to be considered serious about my books. I needed an aura.

How did I do it?

  • I decided I’d look great. I had a whack dress sense that was repulsive even to me. I knew somehow though, I had to find a way to repair my image which will also influence how I study. I am not trying to create a relationship between studying and how one looks. No. I actually was trying to look like the studious students that I knew so that I cold be considered serious and then boost my confidence level. Yes, confidence is a huge boost for those who will have to study at school and pass examinations with ease.
  • I was punctual at class. I never missed class. I was always in class even whether the lectures were available or not. It helped me keep abreast with all the happenings so that no one had to tell me so much. Rather I was always the one to be asked.
  • I sat at the front of the class. I always had that thing about sitting at the front everywhere since I was little so it was no problem positioning myself around the front seat of my class. Yes, the serious students often sat at the front and I was finding myself with them at the front of the class.
  • I made sure I had books around me every time especially amongst my mates. Don’t think I am a Jacky. I just wanted to improve my academic aura so that more and more people think more highly of me and run towards me for their academic help.
  • I smiled more often. I never kept a stoned face no matter what. The more I smile, it eased people towards me and I began to court attention.
  • I found more people I could help. Guess what? The more people that came around for me to help them, the more fame and attention that arrived about my capacity to help and soon I was getting more attention.
  • I made the library my second home. Most students made use of the library so they’d usually find me at the corner of the library. We usually assumed that the longer one spends at the library, the more serious a person becomes academically. There is no active statistic to support that but I realized that we tend to find the more serious students spending more time in the library than those who were less serious.

Creating the studious aura, the type that made passing my examinations easy didn’t come easy. It took a period of time to be able to create the aura and then stay there. It was hard work because at first I was putting in so much energy but once it became a lifestyle, it was uhuru.

It came to a point a point when if I said I never knew I was thought to be lying even when it was the truth. Other students refused sharing knowledge with me because they assumed I only wanted to add their knowledge to the huge knowledge I already had. Some even assumed I was mocking them. I however knew that the aura I had created was having its negative side and I had to work even harder to be at that high standard my peers were thinking I was.

True, books know how to create an aura around those who open them often. If you do, before long, you would know.