Understanding Central Heating Systems by Steve Anastasiadis - HTML preview

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Oil Central Heating Systems Cost

You can either place a tank of heating oil on the ground, or you can put it underground. The choice lies with you!


  • It seems like every household in the UK is connected to gas lines, however, if you observe closely, you will find that almost 4 million houses do not have gas lines.
  • In some rural regions of the UK, especially where gas grids are out of reach, heating oil seems to be a popular option. Generally, oil-fired boiler is used to make water hot, and through radiators, central heating takes place. Moreover, supply of hot water through taps is done as well.
  • Oil is different from gas in the sense that you have to either buy or rent oil, whereas, you can simply have a pipe connection of gas!
  • You can get heat-only variety as well as combination condensing oil-fired variety of boilers. In case of oil-fired combination types, water is normally kept internally for supplying through taps, which is not the case with gas central heating boilers where water gets heated instantly.
  • Yearly expense for heating water and house (excluding any charges related to installation)
  • On an average, you will have to pay around £1,355 per year The extent of emission of carbon in a typical year
  • Expect around 4 or 5 tonnes of carbon to be emitted
  • Whereas the above estimates do not consider real-life fuel bills, the assumptions are pretty accurate for most 3 bedroom houses.


As oil as a fuel tends to be truly efficient, the return you get on your money is quite satisfactory. Moreover, some modern boilers can save as much as 90% energy. Additionally, when you go for replacement of your old boiler for some other new efficient model, the process is very hassle-free.


Similar to electricity and gas costs, the prices related to oil consumption are increasing too. The UK is required to compete globally in this regard, and it is expected that the rising trend will continue.

Since the supply of oil is through roads, it is very likely that you may have your oil finished in between two supplies. There is, in case you require a solution to this problem, a modern technology which allows your tank to automatically notify the oil supplier as soon as the amount of oil tends to get low.

Installation of oil central system tends to be very costly if you have never had one before. Besides, the tank will look a bit ugly if you do not keep it underground.

Both your oil tank and boiler will attract yearly servicing sessions if you want continued efficiency and reliability.

Condensing oil-fire type of boilers are mostly floor-standing models, and therefore, if you try to locate a piece that can actually be wall-mounted, it will be hard! Also, since any acidic condensate liquid must get removed, plumbing will be essential too.

Oil central heating boilers have the habit of keeping water in check to ensure operating hotness of domestic water. As it implies that the rate of flow of hot water is quite low, you will find that the hotness of water decreases with more water use.

Since oil is essentially a type of fossil fuel, the rate of emission of carbon dioxide is high.


Since the cost of using oil-based heating is high, you can take a look at renewable heating options too. For instance, heat pumps and solar panels work wonders for some people. In addition, the Renewable Heat Incentive scheme aims to provide incentives to people who produce renewable heat on their own.