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Chapter 4

Polynomial Description of


Polynomials are important in digital signal processing because cal-

culating the DFT can be viewed as a polynomial evaluation prob-

lem and convolution can be viewed as polynomial multiplication

[27], [261]. Indeed, this is the basis for the important results of

Winograd discussed in Winograd’s Short DFT Algorithms (Chap-

ter 7). A length-N signal x (n) will be represented by an N − 1

degree polynomial X (s) defined by


X (s) = ∑ x(n) sn



This polynomial X (s) is a single entity with the coefficients being

the values of x (n). It is somewhat similar to the use of matrix or

vector notation to efficiently represent signals which allows use of

new mathematical tools.

The convolution of two finite length sequences, x (n) and h (n),

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gives an output sequence defined by


y (n) = ∑ x(k) h(n − k)



n = 0, 1, 2, · · · , 2N − 1 where h (k) = 0 for k < 0. This is exactly

the same operation as calculating the coefficients when multiplying

two polynomials. Equation (4.2) is the same as

Y (s) = X (s) H (s)


In fact, convolution of number sequences, multiplication of poly-

nomials, and the multiplication of integers (except for the carry

operation) are all the same operations. To obtain cyclic convolu-

tion, where the indices in (4.2) are all evaluated modulo N, the

polynomial multiplication in (4.3) is done modulo the polynomial

P (s) = sN − 1. This is seen by noting that N = 0 mod N, therefore,

sN = 1 and the polynomial modulus is sN − 1.

4.1 Polynomial Reduction and the Chinese

Remainder Theorem

Residue reduction of one polynomial modulo another is defined

similarly to residue reduction for integers. A polynomial F (s) has

a residue polynomial R (s) modulo P (s ) if, for a given F (s) and

P (s), a Q (S) and R (s) exist such that

F (s) = Q (s) P (s) + R (s)


with degree{R (s)} < degree{P (s)}. The notation that will be

used is

R (s) = ((F (s)))P(s)


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For example,

(s + 1) =

s4 + s3 − s − 1



The concepts of factoring a polynomial and of primeness are an

extension of these ideas for integers. For a given allowed set of

coefficients (values of x (n)), any polynomial has a unique factored



F (s) = ∏Fi(s)ki



where the Fi (s) are relatively prime. This is analogous to the

fundamental theorem of arithmetic.

There is a very useful operation that is an extension of the integer

Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) which says that if the modulus

polynomial can be factored into relatively prime factors

P (s) = P1 (s) P2 (s)


then there exist two polynomials, K1 (s) and K2 (s), such that any

polynomial F (s) can be recovered from its residues by

F (s) = K1 (s) F1 (s) + K2 (s) F2 (s) mod P (s)


where F1 and F2 are the residues given by

F1 (s) = ((F (s)))P1(s)



F2 (s) = ((F (s)))P2(s)


if the order of F (s) is less than P (s). This generalizes to any

number of relatively prime factors of P (s) and can be viewed as a

means of representing F (s) by several lower degree polynomials,

Fi (s).

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This decomposition of F (s) into lower degree polynomials is the

process used to break a DFT or convolution into several simple

problems which are solved and then recombined using the CRT of

(4.9). This is another form of the “divide and conquer" or “organize

and share" approach similar to the index mappings in Multidimen-

sional Index Mapping (Chapter 3).

One useful property of the CRT is for convolution. If cyclic con-

volution of x (n) and h (n) is expressed in terms of polynomials by

Y (s) = H (s) X (s) mod P (s)


where P (s) = sN − 1, and if P (s) is factored into two relatively

prime factors P = P1P2, using residue reduction of H (s) and X (s)

modulo P1 and P2, the lower degree residue polynomials can be

multiplied and the results recombined with the CRT. This is done


Y (s) = ((K1H1X1 + K2H2X2))




H1 = ((H)) , X






((X ))






((H)) ,



2 = ((X ))



and K1 and K2 are the CRT coefficient polynomials from (4.9).

This allows two shorter convolutions to replace one longer one.

Another property of residue reduction that is useful in DFT calcu-

lation is polynomial evaluation. To evaluate F (s) at s = x, F (s) is

reduced modulo s − x.

F (x) = ((F (s)))



This is easily seen from the definition in (4.4)

F (s) = Q (s) (s − x) + R (s)


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Evaluating s = x gives R (s) = F (x) which is a constant. For the

DFT this becomes

C (k) = ((X (s)))s−Wk


Details of the polynomial algebra useful in digital signal process-

ing can be found in [27], [233], [261].

4.2 The DFT as a Polynomial Evaluation

The Z-transform of a number sequence x (n) is defined as

X (z) = ∑ x(n) z−n



which is the same as the polynomial description in (4.1) but with a

negative exponent. For a finite length-N sequence (4.18) becomes


X (z) = ∑ x(n) z−n



X (z) = x (0) + x (1) z−1 + x (2) z−2 + · + x (N − 1) z−N+1 (4.20)

This N − 1 order polynomial takes on the values of the DFT of

x (n) when evaluated at

z = e j2πk/N


which gives


C (k) = X (z) |

x (n) e− j2πnk/N


z=e j2πk/N = ∑


In terms of the positive exponent polynomial from (4.1), the DFT


C (k) = X (s) |s=Wk


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W = e− j2π/N


is an Nth root of unity (raising W to the Nth power gives one). The

N values of the DFT are found from X (s) evaluated at the N Nth

roots of unity which are equally spaced around the unit circle in

the complex s plane.

One method of evaluating X (z) is the so-called Horner’s rule or

nested evaluation.

When expressed as a recursive calculation,

Horner’s rule becomes the Goertzel algorithm which has some

computational advantages especially when only a few values of

the DFT are needed. The details and programs can be found in

[272], [61] and The DFT as Convolution or Filtering: Goertzel’s

Algorithm (or A Better DFT Algorithm) (Section 5.3: Goertzel’s

Algorithm (or A Better DFT Algorithm))

Another method for evaluating X (s) is the residue reduction mod-

ulo s −W k as shown in (4.17). Each evaluation requires N mul-

tiplications and therefore, N2 multiplications for the N values of

C (k).

C (k) = ((X (s)))(s−Wk)


A considerable reduction in required arithmetic can be achieved if

some operations can be shared between the reductions for different

values of k. This is done by carrying out the residue reduction in

stages that can be shared rather than done in one step for each k in


The N values of the DFT are values of X (s) evaluated at s equal to

the N roots of the polynomial P (s) = sN − 1 which are W k. First,

assuming N is even, factor P (s) as

P (s) = sN − 1 = P1 (s) P2 (s) = sN/2 − 1

sN/2 + 1


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X (s) is reduced modulo these two factors to give two residue poly-

nomials, X1 (s) and X2 (s). This process is repeated by factoring P1

and further reducing X1 then factoring P2 and reducing X2. This

is continued until the factors are of first degree which gives the

desired DFT values as in (4.25). This is illustrated for a length-8

DFT. The polynomial whose roots are W k, factors as

P (s) = s8 − 1


= s4 − 1

s4 + 1



s2 − 1

s2 + 1

s2 − j

s2 + j


= [(s − 1) (s + 1) (s − j) (s + j)] [(s − a) (s + a) (s − ja) (

(4.30) s + ja)]

where a2 = j. Reducing X (s) by the first factoring gives two third

degree polynomials

X (s) = x0 + x1s + x2s2 + ... + x7s7


gives the residue polynomials

X1 (s)


((X (s)))






0 + x4)



(x1 + x5) s + (x2 + x6) s2 + (x3 + x7) s3

X2 (s)


((X (s)))






0 − x4)



(x1 − x5) s + (x2 − x6) s2 + (x3 − x7) s3

Two more levels of reduction are carried out to finally give the

DFT. Close examination shows the resulting algorithm to be the

decimation-in-frequency radix-2 Cooley-Tukey FFT [272], [61].

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Martens [227] has used this approach to derive an efficient DFT


Other algorithms and types of FFT can be developed using polyno-

mial representations and some are presented in the generalization

in DFT and FFT: An Algebraic View (Chapter 8).

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