Robust Adaptive Control by Petros A. Ioannou, Jing Sun - HTML preview

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7.3 Consider the speed control system given in Problem 6.2, where a, b, d are as-

sumed unknown.



(a) Design an APPC law to achieve the following performance specifications:

(i) The time constant of the closed-loop system is less than 2 sec.

(ii) The steady state error is zero for any constant disturbance d

(b) Design an ALQC law such that

J =

( y 2 + λu 2) dt


is minimized. Simulate the closed-loop ALQC system with a = 0 . 02 , b =

1 . 3 , d = 0 . 5 for different values of λ. Comment on your results.

7.4 Consider the following system:

ω 2

y =



s 2 + 2 ξωns + ω 2 n

where the parameter ωn (the natural frequency) is known, but the damping

ratio ξ is unknown. The performance specifications for the closed-loop system

are given in terms of the unit step response as follows: (a) the peak overshoot

is less than 5% and (b) the settling time is less than 2 sec.

(a) Design an estimation scheme to estimate ξ when ωn is known.

(b) Design an indirect APPC and analyze the stability properties of the

closed-loop system.

7.5 Consider the plant

s + b

y =


s( s + a)

(a) Design an adaptive law to generate ˆ a and ˆ b, the estimate of a and b,

respectively, on-line.

(b) Design an APPC scheme to stabilize the plant and regulate y to zero.

(c) Discuss the stabilizability condition ˆ a and ˆ b have to satisfy at each time


(d) What additional assumptions you need to impose on the parameters a

and b so that the adaptive algorithm can be modified to guarantee the

stabilizability condition? Use these assumptions to propose a modified

APPC scheme.

7.6 Repeat Problem 7.3 using a hybrid APPC scheme.

7.7 Solve the MRAC problem given by Problem 6.10 in Chapter 6 using Remark

7.3.1 and an APPC scheme.

7.8 Use Remark 7.3.1 to verify that the MRC law of Section 6.3.2 shown in Figure

6.1 is a special case of the general PPC law given by equations (7.3.3), (7.3.6).



7.9 Establish the stability properties of the hybrid ALQ control scheme given in

Table 7.10.

7.10 Establish the stability properties of the hybrid APPC scheme of Table 7.8.

7.11 For n = 2 , q = 1, show that A( t) defined in (7.7.5) satisfies det( sI − A( t)) =

A∗Λ q, where A∗, Λ q are defined in Table 7.4.

Chapter 8

Robust Adaptive Laws



The adaptive laws and control schemes developed and analyzed in Chapters 4

to 7 are based on a plant model that is free of noise, disturbances and

unmodeled dynamics. These schemes are to be implemented on actual plants

that most likely deviate from the plant models on which their design is based.

An actual plant may be infinite dimensional, nonlinear and its measured

input and output may be corrupted by noise and external disturbances.

The effect of the discrepancies between the plant model and the actual plant

on the stability and performance of the schemes of Chapters 4 to 7 may

not be known until these schemes are implemented on the actual plant. In

this chapter, we take an intermediate step, and examine the stability and

robustness of the schemes of Chapters 4 to 7 when applied to more complex

plant models that include a class of uncertainties and external disturbances

that are likely to be present in the actual plant.

The question of how well an adaptive scheme of the class developed in

Chapters 4 to 7 performs in the presence of plant model uncertainties and

bounded disturbances was raised in the late 1970s. It was shown, using

simple examples, that an adaptive scheme designed for a disturbance free

plant model may go unstable in the presence of small disturbances [48].

These examples demonstrated that the adaptive schemes of Chapters 4 to

7 are not robust with respect to external disturbances. This nonrobust

behavior of adaptive schemes became a controversial issue in the early 1980s




when more examples of instabilities were published demonstrating lack of

robustness in the presence of unmodeled dynamics or bounded disturbances

[85, 197]. This motivated many researchers to study the mechanisms of

instabilities and find ways to counteract them. By the mid-1980s, several

new designs and modifications were proposed and analyzed leading to a body

of work known as robust adaptive control.

The purpose of this chapter is to analyze various instability mechanisms

that may arise when the schemes of Chapters 4 to 7 are applied to plant

models with uncertainties and propose ways to counteract them.

We start with Section 8.2 where we characterize various plant model un-

certainties to be used for testing the stability and robustness of the schemes

of Chapters 4 to 7. In Section 8.3, we analyze several instability mechanisms

exhibited by the schemes of Chapters 4 to 7, in the presence of external dis-

turbances or unmodeled dynamics. The understanding of these instability

phenomena helps the reader understand the various modifications presented

in the rest of the chapter. In Section 8.4, we use several techniques to modify

the adaptive schemes of Section 8.3 and establish robustness with respect to

bounded disturbances and unmodeled dynamics. The examples presented in

Sections 8.3 and 8.4 demonstrate that the cause of the nonrobust behavior

of the adaptive schemes is the adaptive law that makes the closed-loop plant

nonlinear and time varying. The remaining sections are devoted to the devel-

opment of adaptive laws that are robust with respect to a wide class of plant

model uncertainties. We refer to them as robust adaptive laws. These robust

adaptive laws are combined with control laws to generate robust adaptive

control schemes in Chapter 9.


Plant Uncertainties and Robust Control

The first task of a control engineer in designing a control system is to obtain

a mathematical model that describes the actual plant to be controlled. The

actual plant, however, may be too complex and its dynamics may not be

completely understood. Developing a mathematical model that describes

accurately the physical behavior of the plant over an operating range is a

challenging task. Even if a detailed mathematical model of the plant is

available, such a model may be of high order leading to a complex controller

whose implementation may be costly and whose operation may not be well



understood. This makes the modeling task even more challenging because

the mathematical model of the plant is required to describe accurately the

plant as well as be simple enough from the control design point of view.

While a simple model leads to a simpler control design, such a design must

possess a sufficient degree of robustness with respect to the unmodeled plant

characteristics. To study and improve the robustness properties of control

designs, we need a characterization of the types of plant uncertainties that

are likely to be encountered in practice. Once the plant uncertainties are

characterized in some mathematical form, they can be used to analyze the

stability and performance properties of controllers designed using simplified

plant models but applied to plants with uncertainties.


Unstructured Uncertainties

Let us start with an example of the frequency response of a stable plant.

Such a response can be obtained in the form of a Bode diagram by exciting

the plant with a sinusoidal input at various frequencies and measuring its

steady state output response. A typical frequency response of an actual

stable plant with an output y may have the form shown in Figure 8.1.

It is clear that the data obtained for ω ≥ ωm are unreliable because

at high frequencies the measurements are corrupted by noise, unmodeled

high frequency dynamics, etc. For frequencies below ωm, the data are accu-

rate enough to be used for approximating the plant by a finite-order model.

An approximate model for the plant, whose frequency response is shown in

Figure 8.1, is a second-order transfer function G 0( s) with one stable zero

and two poles, which disregards the phenomena beyond, say ω ≥ ωm. The

modeling error resulting from inaccuracies in the zero-pole locations and

high frequency phenomena can be characterized by an upper bound in the

frequency domain.

Now let us use the above example to motivate the following relationships

between the actual transfer function of the plant denoted by G( s) and the

transfer function of the nominal or modeled part of the plant denoted by

G 0( s).

Definition 8.2.1 (Additive Perturbations) Suppose that G( s) and G 0( s)

are related by

G( s) = G 0( s) + ∆ a( s)








y ( jω)




-20 -1











Figure 8.1 An example of a frequency response of a stable plant.

where a( s) is stable. Then a( s) is called an additive plant perturbation

or uncertainty. The structure of ∆ a( s) is usually unknown but ∆ a( s) is

assumed to satisfy an upper bound in the frequency domain, i.e.,

|a( ) | ≤ δa( ω) ∀ω


for some known function δa( ω). In view of (8.2.1) and (8.2.2) defines a family

of plants described by

Π a = {G | |G( ) − G 0( ) | ≤ δa( ω) }


The upper bound δa( ω) of ∆ a( ) may be obtained from frequency re-

sponse experiments. In robust control [231], G 0( s) is known exactly and the



uncertainties of the zeros and poles of G( s) are included in ∆ a( s). In adap-

tive control, the parameters of G 0( s) are unknown and therefore zero-pole

inaccuracies do not have to be included in ∆ a( s). Because the main topic

of the book is adaptive control, we adopt Definition 8.2.1, which requires

a( s) to be stable.

Definition 8.2.2 (Multiplicative Perturbations) Let G( s) , G 0( s) be re-

lated by

G( s) = G 0( s)(1 + ∆ m( s))


where m( s) is stable. Then m( s) is called a multiplicative plant pertur-

bation or uncertainty.

In the case of multiplicative plant perturbations, ∆ m( s) may be constrained

to satisfy an upper bound in the frequency domain, i.e.,

|m( ) | ≤ δm( ω)


for some known δm( ω) which may be generated from frequency response

experiments. Equations (8.2.4) and (8.2.5) describe a family of plants given


|G( ) − G


0( ) |

m =


≤ δ


m( ω)


0( ) |

For the same reason as in the additive perturbation case, we adopt Defini-

tion 8.2.2 which requires ∆ m( s) to be stable instead of the usual definition

in robust control where ∆ m( s) is allowed to be unstable for a certain family

of plants.

Definition 8.2.3 (Stable Factor Perturbations) Let G( s) , G 0( s) have

the following coprime factorizations [231]:



G( s) =

0( s) + ∆1( s) , G

0( s)



0( s) =

0( s) + ∆2( s)

D 0( s)

where N 0 and D 0 are proper stable rational transfer functions that are co-

prime, 1 and ∆1( s) and ∆2( s) are stable. Then ∆1( s) and ∆2( s) are called stable factor plant perturbations.

1Two proper transfer functions P ( s) , Q( s) are coprime if and only if they have no finite

common zeros in the closed right half s-plane and at least one of them has relative degree

zero [231].



✲ ∆ a( s)




+ +

0( s)



✲ ∆ m( s)


+ +


Σ ✲ G

0( s)


✲ ∆1( s)

+ ❄




✲ ❧✲


0( s)





Σ ✛


0( s) 1


2( s)


Figure 8.2 Block diagram representations of plant models with (i) addi-

tive, (ii) multiplicative, and (iii) stable factor perturbations.

Figure 8.2 shows a block diagram representation of the three types of plant

model uncertainties.

The perturbations ∆ a( s) , m( s) , ∆1( s), and ∆2( s) defined above with no additional restrictions are usually referred to as unstructured plant model





Structured Uncertainties: Singular Perturbations

In many applications, the plant perturbations may have a special form be-

cause they may originate from variations of physical parameters or arise

because of a deliberate reduction in the complexity of a higher order math-

ematical model of the plant. Such perturbations are usually referred to as

structured plant model perturbations.

The knowledge of the structure of plant model uncertainties can be ex-

ploited in many control problems to achieve better performance and obtain

less conservative results.

An important class of structured plant model perturbations that describe

a wide class of plant dynamic uncertainties, such as fast sensor and actuator

dynamics, is given by singular perturbation models [106].

For a SISO, LTI plant, the following singular perturbation model in the

state space form

˙ x = A 11 x + A 12 z + B 1 u,

x ∈ Rn

µ ˙ z = A 21 x + A 22 z + B 2 u,

z ∈ Rm


y = C 1 x + C 2 z

can be used to describe the slow (or dominant) and fast (or parasitic) phe-

nomena of the plant. The scalar µ represents all the small parameters such

as small time constants, small masses, etc., to be neglected. In most appli-

cations, the representation (8.2.8) with a single parameter µ can be achieved

by proper scaling as shown in [106]. All the matrices in (8.2.8) are assumed

to be constant and independent of µ. As explained in [106], this assumption

is for convenience only and leads to a minor loss of generality.

The two time scale property of (8.2.8) is evident if we use the change of


zf = z + L( µ) x


where L( µ) is required to satisfy the algebraic equation

A 21 − A 22 L + µLA 11 − µLA 12 L = 0


to transform (8.2.8) into

˙ x = Asx + A 12 zf + B 1 u

µ ˙ zf = Af zf + Bsu


y = Cs x + C 2 zf



where As = A 11 −A 12 L, Af = A 22 + µLA 12, Bs = B 2 + µLB 1, Cs = C 1 − C 2 L.

As shown in [106], if A 22 is nonsingular, then for all µ ∈ [0 , µ∗) and some

µ∗ > 0, a solution of the form

L = A− 1

22 A 21 + O( µ)

satisfying (8.2.10) exists. It is clear that for u = 0, i.e.,

˙ x = Asx + A 12 zf


µ ˙ zf = Af zf

the eigenvalues of (8.2.12) are equal to those of As and Af /µ, which, for

small µ and for Af nonsingular, are of O(1) and O(1 ), respectively2. The

smaller the value of µ, the wider the distance between the eigenvalues of As

and Af /µ, and the greater the separation of time scales. It is clear that if

Af is stable then the smaller the value of µ is, the faster the state variable

zf goes to zero. In the limit as µ → 0, zf converges instantaneously, i.e.,

infinitely fast to zero. Thus for small µ, the effect of stable fast dynamics is

reduced considerably after a very short time. Therefore, when A 22 is stable

(which for small µ implies that Af is stable), a reasonable approximation of

(8.2.8) is obtained by setting µ = 0, solving for z from the second equation

of (8.2.8) and substituting for its value in the first equation of (8.2.8), i.e.,

˙ x 0 = A 0 x 0 + B 0 u, x 0 ∈ Rn